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Everything You Need to Know About Vaginal Discharge

Vagina Discharge: Causes, Prevention, Treatment and color

So, you’re seeing a bit of discharge in your underwear. What could it be?

Don’t worry, you’re not the only one who’s wondered about this. Vaginal discharge is a totally normal bodily function, and it can come in a variety of colors and textures. In this article, we’ll break down everything you need to know about vaginal discharge: what causes it, how to prevent it, and how to treat it. We’ll also discuss the different colors and textures of vaginal discharge and what they mean. Keep reading for all the info!

Vagina Discharge: Causes, Prevention, Treatment and color

Vagina discharge is a fluid that comes from the vagina and it is a normal process in females. However, it is important to note that vagina discharge is absolutely normal! Every woman gets a certain amount of vaginal fluid that leaks out of their vagina, this is how the vagina keeps itself clean. The vagina keeps itself clean using this exact vaginal discharge, there is a healthy army of good bacteria inside the vagina that fights off infection-causing pathogens. When the vagina is done cleaning, it releases a self-cleansing discharge which in turn forms your regular vagina discharge. More so, depending on your hormonal changes, one can experience these discharges daily or in days interval. These discharges can also differ in color, consistency, and smell, causing irritation or burning which sometimes, can be a sign of an infection. Vaginal Discharge can be either normal or abnormal, Let’s see what these two entail

Normal Vaginal discharge: A normal vaginal discharge has the following characteristics;

 There is no strong or unpleasant smell

 It is clear and white.

 It is thick and sticky.

 It is also slippery and wet.

The amount of discharge varies though, heavy discharges can occur during pregnancy, being sexually active, or when using birth control pills. This kind of discharge is often slippery and wet for a few days.

Abnormal Vaginal Discharge: Certain types of discharge are considered abnormal and show signs of infections. These types of discharges can be characterized by;

 Yellow or Green

 Chunky consistency

 Foul-smelling (Fishy smell)

Colors of Vaginal Discharge

There are several types of vagina discharges that are categorized based on color and consistency.

1. White Vagina Discharge

A bit of this type of discharge is normal however, if it is accompanied by itching, cottage or cheese-like consistency, or appearance, then it is not normal and requires treatment. It may be a sign of a yeast infection (Candidiasis) or Thrush. This is caused by the chemical imbalance of the yeast and bacteria that normally live inside the vagina, making the yeast multiply.

2. Clear and Watery Discharge

This is a perfectly normal discharge and can occur at any time of the month and might be especially heavy after exercise. It has no smell or a slightly acidic one and changes inconsistency as well.

3. Clear and Stretchy discharge

When your vaginal discharge is clear but stretchy and mucus-like rather than watery, it implies that your ovulation has set in. Don’t fret, it is a normal type of discharge.

4. Brown or Bloody Discharge

This type of discharge is also normal especially when it occurs during or right after your menstrual cycle. A late discharge at the end of your period can look brown instead of red and you might also experience a small amount of bloody discharge between periods which is called Spotting.

5. Yellow or Green discharge

If you are experiencing this type of discharge especially when it is thick, chunky, and accompanied by an unpleasant smell, this can be a sign of the infection Trichomoniasis which is a sexually transmitted infection, (STI). Other symptoms of this infection include burning and stinging when passing urine, soreness around the lips of the vagina, and itching. Gonorrhea is also another infection that can cause this type of discharge.

6. Red or Pink

This can be normal or abnormal, it all depends on the circumstances. For instance, if you experience a red or pink discharge around the time you are to see your period, it means there is blood around hence, it is completely normal. This type of discharge can also be experienced during sex because there is a sort of friction that occurs during intercourse that can cause tiny scrapes in the vagina.

7. Gray

This is the color of discharge you can get if there are signs of Bacteria Vaginosis, BV. It is not a sexually transmitted infection but can be associated with sex. BV is caused by a change in the usual pH of the vagina from douching or washing inside the vagina with soap and perfume products. A fishy smell is characterized by this kind of discharge especially after washing down there or after sex.

Ways To Prevent Abnormal vaginal discharge

Do want to know how to prevent abnormal vaginal discharge without seeing a doctor or feel embarrassed because you don’t know how to tell someone? Well, we got you covered below are a few things you can practice

1. Practice good personal hygiene by washing the vulva daily while avoiding douching.

2. Avoid using perfumed soaps, bubble baths, and deodorants inside your vagina.

3. Wipe from front to back after using the toilet.

4. Practice safe sex.

5. Wear breathable cotton underwear, wearing synthetic underwear can increase the amount of moisture inside the vagina that can increase the growth of some bacteria including yeast.

6. See a Doctor if need be

No-discharge vaginal syndrome or Vaginal dryness

Your Vagina Discharge and Health are very important as well as when there is no vaginal discharge at all. According to research, approximately 30% of women in the world experience vagina dryness. Can that happen? Is that normal? You might be asking, Yes, it does happen and it is not entirely normal.

The Following Are The Causes Of Vaginal Dryness

1. Hormonal variations: Vaginal dryness can be caused by the decrease in estrogen levels during menopause.

2. Medications: Some medications can cause a drying effect on the vagina. Antihistamines and some asthma drugs reduce vaginal lubrication.

3. Irritants: Due to allergies, many women can experience vagina dryness from the use of some soaps or perfumes.

4. Insufficient arousal: Before sex, women are channeled to become wet and slippery during foreplay to reduce friction but when she is not fully aroused, she may likely be dry down there and this might lead to painful sex.

5. Anxiety and Stress: These can also be underlying factors that limit vaginal lubrication in a woman. The body is a functional system that needs every part of it to work so when there is a breakdown emotionally and psychologically, it can affect your sexual health.

What to do to reduce vagina dryness

Studies suggest that the regular intake of foods rich in vitamin D, vitamin E, fish oil, hyaluronic acid, and Dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA can reduce vaginal dryness and boost lubrication. The use of lubricants and vaginal moisturizers that provide temporary moisture, especially during sex is also encouraged while avoiding the use of strong soaps and perfumes. Your vaginal discharge and health convey 50% of your total well-being which is why the vagina is termed a “Queen”. In cases of vagina dryness, moisturizers and lubricants can be used to effectively reduce dryness for only a short term as excessive usage of these lubricants can cause an influx of bacteria in the vagina.

Treatment of Abnormal vagina discharge

1. Firstly, your doctor may have to examine the discharge and symptoms and conduct some tests to diagnose the cause of the unusual discharge. Some of these diagnoses include;

 pH tests

 Pap smears

 Physical examinations

 Culture samples

And in cases of yeast infection, antifungal cream and fluconazole can be good recommendations.

2. Sex should be avoided during the first two weeks to one month of treatment.

3. There might be a slight change in diet as recommended by your Doctor.

During a study carried out in 2017 on abnormal vaginal discharge, it was induced that 55.6% of women had various types of abnormal discharge, and among this prevalent figure, were mostly pregnant women. The majority of these women had whitish discharge while some of them had a foul or fishy smell and were advised to see a doctor as soon as possible.

FAQs on Vaginal Discharge

What are some of the common causes of vaginal discharge?

There are a few different things that can cause an increase in vaginal discharge, such as hormones, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and menopause. Hormonal changes can cause an increase in discharge, as can pregnancy and menopause. STIs can also cause an increase in discharge, as well as other symptoms like pain, burning, and itching.

How can I prevent vaginal discharge?

There are a few things you can do to prevent vaginal discharge, such as:

– Wearing loose-fitting clothing

– Avoiding douching

– Avoiding using scented products around your vagina

– Wiping from front to back after going to the bathroom

– Washing your vulva with plain water every day

If you’re pregnant, there’s not much you can do to prevent vaginal discharge since it’s caused by hormonal changes. However, you should still practice good hygiene and avoid douching.

What should I do if I have vaginal discharge?

If you have any concerns about your vaginal discharge, it’s always a good idea to see your doctor or gynecologist so they can rule out any underlying problems. If you have an STI, they’ll be able to treat it with antibiotics or other medication. If you’re pregnant and have vaginal discharge, they’ll just monitor you to make sure everything is progressing normally.


So, while vaginal discharge is completely natural and happens to almost every woman, it’s important to be aware of the different types and colors of discharge, as well as the causes and treatments for abnormal discharge. By being informed, you can better identify any changes in your vaginal discharge and seek the necessary treatment.

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