Here you can download The Cook and Housekeeper’s Complete and Uni. Dictionary book free online – from The Cook and Housekeeper’s Complete and Uni. Dictionary book; Also a variety of original land and information .relating to baking ,brewing ,carving ,cleaning ,collaring ,curing ,economy of bees,—- of a dairy ,economy of poultry, family medicine ,gardening ,home – made wine ,pickling ,potting ,preserving ,rules of health ,and every other subject, connected with domestic and economy.
Those who are served with brewer’s beer, or any other articles not paid for weekly or on delivery, should keep a book for entering the dates: which will not only serve to prevent overcharges, but will show the whole year’s consumption at one view. `Poole’s complete Housekeeper’s Account book,’ is very well adapted to this purpose.
An inventory of furniture, linen, and china, should be kept, and the things examined by it twice a year, or oftener if there be a change of servants; into each of whose care the articles are to be entrusted, with a list, the same as is done with plate. Tickets of parchment with the family name, numbered, and specifying what bed it belongs to, should be sewed on each feather bed, bolster, pillow, and blanket. Knives, forks, and house cloths are often deficient: these accidents might be obviated,