Download The Indian Cookery Book Pdf book free online – from The Indian Cookery Book Pdf book; will suffice for a month’s consumption for a party of from four to six adults, allowing for three curries per day, cutlets and made dishes included.
Onion-seed, or /cullinga/ ” 5 to 8 annas ” Stick cinnamon, or /dalcheenee/ -+ Cardamoms, or /elachee/ | Mixed; prices range from Rs. Cloves, or /loung/ +- 3-14 to 4 per seer. Nutmeg, or /jyephall/ | Mace, or /jowttree/ -+
However high prices may range, one rupee-worth of mixed condiments, including hotspice, will suffice for a month’s consumption for a party of from four to six adults, allowing for three curries per day, cutlets and made dishes included.
The following directions for an every-day gravy chicken curry will apply equally to all ordinary meat gravy curries:–
16.–Chicken Curry
Take one chittack or two ounces of ghee, two breakfast-cupfuls of water, one teaspoonful and a half of salt, four teaspoonfuls of ground onions, one teaspoonful each of ground turmeric and chilies, half a teaspoonful of ground ginger, and a quarter of a teaspoonful of ground garlic.
To suit the taste of those who like it, half a teaspoonful