Here you can download Desserts and Salads By Gesine Lemcke Pdf book free online – from Desserts and Salads By Gesine Lemcke Pdf book; each half into 4 pieces and pour the liquor over them; then serve with tapioca pudding.
39. +Peach Sauce, No. 2.+– Beat 1 tablespoonful butter with 4 tablespoonfuls powdered sugar to a cream; add the yolks of 2 eggs; beat until very light and creamy; then beat the whites of the 2 eggs to a stiff froth; add the sauce to them by degrees; keep on beating with an egg beater until all is well mixed together and stir 1 cup of fine, cut peaches through it; serve with boiled pudding.
40. +Sauce of Currants and Raspberries.+– Wash ½ pound red currants and raspberries; sprinkle with sugar and let them stand ½ hour; prepare a sauce the same as for Peach Sauce and stir the fruit through it.
41. +Cream Sauce (with Jelly), No. 1.+– Stir 1 cup currant jelly until smooth; add 1 cup rich, sweet cream and beat with an egg beater to a froth; add a little arrack rum or Cognac and serve with cold pudding.
42. +Cream Sauce (with Jelly), No. 2.+– Beat ½ cup fruit jelly