Here you can download Deli Mexico Ceviche By Deli Mexico Pdf book free online – from Deli Mexico Ceviche By Deli Mexico Pdf book; Here is the typical ceviche recipe. You can use red snapper or Victoria Baars. Or if you
prefer you can use shrimps.
Makes 6 servings:
1 kilo Victoria Baars or red snapper filets trimmed and cut in ½ in. cubes or chopped.
1 cup of lime juice, fresh preferable
salt to taste
2 medium size onion, finely chopped
3 chiles serranos or 2 large jalapeno, finely chopped
1 cup of cilantro, finely chopped
3 large tomatoes , finely chopped
Salt to taste.
Now these are optional but they make a great ceviche
1-2 avocados sliced for to use on the top of the tostada
Huichol sauce or Bufalo Sauce
Tostadas, salt crackers or tortillas chips to serve.
- You can make Tostadas yourself, use our