Here you can download The Electric Bath By George Schweig Pdf book free online – from The Electric Bath By George Schweig Pdf book; In view of the facts just stated, I have found it impracticable, when giving directions for the administration of a galvanic bath, to indicate any certain number of cells to be used.
I am in the habit of ordering the administration of a “mild,” a “medium” or a “strong” current, as may be required in the respective cases; and in every instance it is the electro-sensibility of the patient that determines the number of cells requisite to obtain the desired result as represented by one of these terms. The same applies also to the faradic current.
To determine the direction of the current is sufficiently simple. Where a descending current is desired, the binding post which represents the electrode at the head of the tub must be connected to the positive pole of the battery, the other binding post to the negative pole; where an ascending current is desired, the reverse of this is done.
The duration of the bath varies with different cases. The average is about twenty minutes, though the time may range from ten minutes to an hour and a half.
Where it is desired to give the patient a galvanic shock, it is only necessary rapidly to reverse the current by means of the commutator. The simultaneous contraction of almost the ENTIRE muscular system that accompanies the reversal of a current of sufficient intensity in the bath, affords a striking illustration of the general effects of the galvanic bath. In cases where paralyzed muscles have lost their faradic irritability, galvanic interruptions are almost indispensable to successful treatment.