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Gala Day Luncheons By Caroline Benton Pdf

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Gala Day Luncheons By Caroline Benton Pdf
Gala Day Luncheons By Caroline Benton Pdf

Here you can download Gala Day Luncheons By Caroline Benton Pdf book free online – from Gala Day Luncheons By Caroline Benton Pdf book; They are not for the older woman, who will doubtless despise them, but for the girl-hostess who is gay enough still to care for whatever raises a laugh.

They should depend for their worth not on any intrinsic value, for they should have none, but on their cleverness, their appropriateness; those mentioned are only “suggestions;” every hostess should from these go on to others which have more to them.

Just a word of warning as to the menu. Do not try and transform into a “function” what should be only a light and pleasant luncheon. The moment that is done, and a demand is made for extreme thought and preparation on the part of the hostess, and formality on the part of the guests, that moment the whole affair becomes a weariness to the flesh and spirit, and the charm is gone. There is no limit to the number of courses a hostess may offer if she really sets out to show what she can do if she tries; every year gastronomic possibilities increase, and an ambitious woman may pile patés on croquettes,

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