Here you can download Emergency Childbirth By United States. Public Health Pdf book free online – from Emergency Childbirth By United States. Public Health Pdf book; If it becomes necessary for families to take refuge in fallout shelters there will undoubtedly be a number of babies born under difficult conditions and without medical assistance.
She may have a slight chill. Give her a warm (not hot) drink of sweetened tea, milk, or boullion. Wipe her hands and face with a damp towel. She may drop off to sleep.
The mother’s diet after delivery may include any available foods she wishes. She may eat or drink as soon as she wants to, and she should be encouraged to drink plenty of fluids, especially milk. Canned milk can be used and made more palatable by diluting with equal parts of water and adding sugar, eggs, chocolate, or other flavoring.
For the first 24 or 48 hours after delivery, the mother will continue to have some cramping pains in the lower abdomen which may cause a great deal of discomfort. Aspirin may help relieve these afterpains. She should empty her bladder every few hours for 2 days following the birth. If her bowels do not move within 3 days after delivery she should be given an enema.
If a pregnant woman shows evidence of bleeding, she should restrict her activities and rest