As a woman you need look into ways of taking care of your vagina health and how to curb infections. The vagina is a delicate part of a woman’s body, it is the threshold of a woman’s genitalia and has the easiest tendencies of being infected.
What is vaginal health?
Vagina health is simply the general hygiene that is administered to the vagina, this set of hygiene help to reduce infection rate, promote the desire for sex and eradicate childbirth issues. Vaginal problems and infections can complicate the balance of the vagina pH level, increase the vagina’s bacteria level and finally, create several discomforts like itching and burning sensations. It is important that every woman know how to take care of their vagina and be able to decipher symptoms of infections and other vaginal problems.
What factors affect Vaginal health?
The vagina is a muscular canal that extends from the vulva (the opening of the female genitals) to the neck of the uterus which can also be called the cervix. The following can affect the health of your vaginal:
1. Health treatments and Conditions; Predominantly, excess use of some kind of antibiotics can hamper your vagina and increase the risk of a yeast infection. Pelvic surgeries and some certain type of cancer medications can cause painful sex which injures the vagina walls.
2. Sex: You might be wondering how sex is considered as a factor that affects vaginal health, having unprotected sex can cause the transmission of STDs and STIs and forceful sex in the form of rape, can cause vagina trauma.
3. Feminine hygiene products and birth control: Condoms and spermicides can cause vagina irritation while the use of sprays, deodorants, douches can also spike irritation or make lingering irritation worse.
Some birth control pills when taken frequently can disrupt the hormonal balance of the body which in turn affects your vagina negatively.
4. Pregnancy and Childbirth: During pregnancy, vaginal discharge increases and menstruation flow stops until after childbirth (although, some women can still see their period while pregnant). When hygienic measures like regular baths, ante-natal and good food diet are not put in place, it can cause discrepancies in childbirth which can weaken the vagina walls and reduce muscle tone.
5. Hormonal levels: Hormones can change at any point in time, estrogen levels can reduce or increase depending on your age and vaginal hygiene. Reduction of estrogen production can cause the vaginal lining to become thin, this can be called (vagina atrophy). Vagina atrophy leads to painful sex.
6. Psychological problems: Stress and anxiety can contribute to low arousal level which can result to discomfort or pain during sex. Sexual abuse or initial pain during first penetration can cause emotional traumas that spring up during sex and cause painful sex as well.
Vaginal infections
Vaginal infections are plenteous but the most common is Candidiasis (Vaginal yeast infection). Burning, itching and odour are just some of the symptoms of vaginal infections but treatment varies by condition so it’s important to figure out the type of infection you have.
This infections can make you really uncomfortable from the constant itching to burning sensations and oozy smell so it is important to treat it as early as possible.
List of some Vaginal infections;
1. Candidiasis (Yeast Infection)
2. Bacteria Vaginosis
3. Trichomoniasis
Other vaginal infections which are mostly sexually transmitted include;
4. Chlamydia vaginitis
5. Gonorrhea
Symptoms that you have a vaginal infection
> Constant itching
> Change in the amount of discharge from vagina.
> Change in the color of discharge from vagina.
> Pain or burning during urination
> Pain during intercourse
> Vaginal bleeding or spotting
> Fishy or unpleasant smell from vagina.
First thing to do when you discover any of the above symptoms in your vagina is to tell an experienced relative, friend or visit your doctor/pharmacist for directions on the right medications to take for the infection.
Vaginal infections are not life threatening but it is imperative to treat them before they cause more harm.
Ways to keep your vagina healthy and curb vaginal infections
1. Maintain a monogamous sexual relationship or abstain temporarily in cases of sexual traumas.
2. Drink water frequently to keep the vagina hydrated and also maintain its pH level.
3. Engage in exercises to keep your pelvic muscles active to avoid cancer related issues around the vagina area.
4. Bath regularly, at least twice daily with medicated soaps.
5. Do not douch or spray deodorants and other sensitive chemicals to the vagina. Wash your vagina with clean water only.
6. Limit your intake of alcohol as excess alcohol in the body can impair sexual functions such as arousal and vagina wetness which impacts greatly during sexual intercourse.
7. Go for regular check-ups.
8. Minimize the intake of antibiotics instead, take more of vitamin C, it improves the lining of the vagina.
9. Eat healthy, fruits like pineapple improves the smell of the vagina.
10. Be wary of contraceptives and birth control pills as they deregularise estrogen hormonal levels in the body.
It is very possible to maintain a healthy vagina and curb vaginal infections if you can take note of the above guides. Note that not all vaginal infections can be prevented, this is because the vagina contains some certain kind of already made bacteria but regular visits to a doctor or a pharmacist will facilitate early diagnosis of infections and any other problems affecting your vagina.
Do not let embarrassment prevent you from talking to a doctor or someone who’s well experienced about any concerns you might have about your vaginal health.