Here you can download What the Mother of a Deaf Child Ought to Know Pdf book free online – from What the Mother of a Deaf Child Ought to Know Pdf book;
To what extent is his hearing impaired? Is there any possibility of restoring it to normal acuteness, or of improving it, or of preventing any further impairment?
The completeness with which these questions can be answered depends, to a considerable extent, on his age and his physical condition. We will suppose that he is about fifteen months old and in good bodily condition. If he is older, the same tests would be used to begin with, though we could at once pass on to more complicated and difficult ones that cannot as yet be used with the fifteen-months-old baby.
First, with regard to sight. We wish to know if he can distinguish reasonably small objects at reasonable distances; whether he can see moderately small things at short distances; whether the angle of his vision is normal. In other words, whether his range and angle of vision are sufficient for all ordinary purposes.
If he can recognize his father or mother or brothers and sisters at a distance of a hundred