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Vitality Supreme By Bernarr Macfadden Pdf

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Vitality Supreme By Bernarr Macfadden Pdf
Vitality Supreme By  Bernarr Macfadden Pdf

Here you can download Vitality Supreme By Bernarr Macfadden Pdf book free online – from Vitality Supreme By Bernarr Macfadden Pdf book; The war cry of to-day in peace no less than in war is for efficiency. We need stronger, more capable men; healthier, superior women.

Force is supreme-the king of all mankind. And it is force that stands back of efficiency, for efficiency, first of all, means power. It comes from power, and power either comes directly from inheritance or it is developed by an intelligent application of the laws that control the culture of the physique. The value of efficiency is everywhere recognized. The great prizes of life come only to those who are efficient.

In the work of eliminating impurities and keeping the system clean the kidneys are to be classed with the lungs, although they have to do with poisonous wastes of a different type. Insufficient functioning of the kidneys is not so immediately fatal as the failure of the lungs to do their work, but proper action of the kidneys is none the less important. If the poisons which are normally eradicated from the system in this way are allowed to remain or to accumulate, they poison the body as truly as any external toxic element that could be introduced. Insufficient activity of the kidneys leads to the accumulation of those poisons, bringing on convulsions of the most serious nature, and unless the condition is relieved there will be fatal results. The requirements of health, therefore, demand that the kidneys should be strong and active, and that their functional capacity should be maintained at the highest degree of efficiency.

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