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The Skillful Cook By Mary Harrison Pdf

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The Skillful Cook By Mary Harrison Pdf
The Skillful Cook By  Mary Harrison Pdf

Here you can download The Skillful Cook By Mary Harrison Pdf book free online – from The Skillful Cook By Mary Harrison Pdf book; The importance of every woman having a thorough knowledge of domestic economy cannot be too strongly insisted on.

The false refinement which, of late years, has considered an acquaintance with domestic matters to be only suitable for servants, has been fraught with the most disastrous consequences. This may seem strong language, but it is not too strong. All sanitary reformers know well enough that it is in the power of many women to prevent very many deaths, and an incalculable amount of misery and vice.

Now animal food is generally richer in albuminoid, or nitrogenous constituents, than vegetable food; so, by mixing lean meat with our bread, we may get a food in which the constituents correspond better to our requirements; for 2 lb. of bread may be substituted by 12 oz. of meat, and yet all the necessary carbon as well as nitrogen be thereby supplied. As such a substitution is often too expensive, owing to the high price of meat–cheese, which is twice as rich in nitrogenous matters (that is flesh-formers) as butchers’ meat, may be, and constantly is, employed as a complete diet, and for persons in health, doing hard bodily work, it affords suitable nourishment. Even some vegetable products, rich in nitrogen, as haricot beans, may be used in the same way as meat or cheese, and for the same purpose.'[1]

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