Download The Origin and Nature of Emotions By Crile Pdf book free online – from The Origin and Nature of Emotions By Crile Pdf book; Headache is one of the commonest initiatory symptoms of the various infections, especially of those infections which are accompanied by no local pain and by no local muscular action.
In peritonitis, cholecystitis, pleurisy, arthritis, appendicitis, salpingitis, childbirth, in obstructions of the intestinal and the genito-urinary tract, in short, in those acute processes in which the local symptoms are powerful enough to govern the individual as a whole,βto make him lie down and keep quiet, refuse food and possibly reject what is already in the stomach,β
in all these conditions there is rarely a headache, but in the diseases in which local pain is absent, such as the exanthemata, typhoid fever, and autointoxication, which have no dominating local disturbances to act as policemen to put the individual to bed and to make him refuse food that he may be in the most favorable position to combat the oncoming disease, in such cases in which these masterful and beneficent local influences are absent we postulate that headache has been evolved to perform this important service.
On the hypothesis that it is good for the individual who is acutely stricken by a disease or who is poisoned by autointoxication to rest and fast, and that the muscular system obeys the imperial command of pain, and in view of the fact that the brain is not only in constant touch with the conditions of every part of the body but that it is also the controlling organ of the body, one would expect that in these diseases the major pain whose purpose it is to govern general muscular action would be located in the head and there we find it.
How curious and yet how intelligible is the fact that, though a heada