Here you can download The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines Pdf book free online – from The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines Pdf book; The medical knowledge represented in this book is over a century old. The publication of this book is for historical interest only, and is not to be construed as medical advice by Project Gutenberg or its volunteers. Medicinal plants should not be used without consulting a trained medical professional. Medical science has made considerable progress since this book was written. Recommendations or prescriptions may have been superseded by better alternatives, or invalidated altogether.
Tinospora crispa, Miers. (Menispermum crispum, L.; M. rimosum, Blanco; Cocculus crispus, DC.)
Nom. Vulg.—Makabuhay, Tag.
Uses.—Makabuhay is one of the most widely known and used plants in the Philippines; a sort of panacea applied to all bodily afflictions. Its Tagalo name means literally “you may live.” A shoot deprived of roots and dropped in some moist place is soon covered with bright green leaves and adventitious roots. This peculiarity of the plant made it possible for me to take a large number of sprouts from Manila to Paris where they arrived perfectly fresh after a voyage of forty days, during which they lay almost forgotten in the ship and the cars.
The stem is the part employed in medicine. A decoction is given internally in the various forms of malarial fever and of dyspepsia. Externally it is most useful as a wash for ulcers of all kinds, rapidly improving their appearance.
In India the species T. cordifolia is used; it differs but little from T. crispa. It is official in the Pharmacopœia and has been introduced into Europe. T. cordifolia has given excellent results in the mild forms of intermittent fever; in general debility following long and severe cases of illness; in chronic rheumatism, and in the second stage of syphilis. As the two species are so much alike we shall add the preparations and dose of T. cordifolia which we have used on several occasions with good results.