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as will make it into a reasonable stiff Past, then put it into an indifferant hot cloth, and lay it before the fire to rise while your Oven is heating, then make it up into a Loaf, and when it is baked, cut up the top of the Loaf, and put in a pound and a half of melted Butter, and a good deale of Sugar in it.
To make buttered Loaves of Cheese-curd
Take three quarts of new Milk, and put in as much Rennet as will turn, take your Whay clean away, then break your Curds very small with your hands, and put in six yolks of Eggs, but one white; an hand full of grated bread, an hand full of Flower, a little Salt mingled altogether; work it with your hand, roul it into little Loaves, then set them in a Pan buttered, then beat the yolk of an Egg with a little Beer, and wipe them over with a feather, then set them in the Oven as for Machet, and stop that close three quarters of an hour, then take half a pound of butter three spoon full of water, a Nutmeg sliced thin, a little Sugar,