Have you ever wondered how the body cleans itself? Or why don’t you fall sick every time you eat contaminated food? The liver- is the answer.
The liver is the biggest and one of the most important organs that acts as a detoxifier or filter in the body. Why is it important to eat the best foods that clean out the liver and detoxify it? Although the liver is the body’s natural filter, its cells can be damaged by toxins or poisons as it tries to detoxify these foreign bodies before excretion.
The Liver
The liver is a large, cone-shaped reddish-brown organ that weighs about 3 pounds, and has a rubbery touch. It is protected by the rib cage and has two large sections called the right and left lobes. These lobes are made up of 8 segments consisting of 1,000 lobules (small lobes) connected to small ducts (tubes) and the larger ducts which then form the common hepatic duct. The bile made by the liver cells is transported by the common hepatic duct to the gallbladder and duodenum. It has a small end above the spleen and stomach and a larger end above the small intestine. The gallbladder is located under the liver, along with parts of the pancreas and intestines. The entire organ is located on the right side abdomen below the lungs.
The liver works alongside these the pancreas and intestines to absorb, process, and digest food properly before it is transported to the various parts of the body system where it provides nutrients and energy the body needs. The liver has the primary function of filtering blood from the digestive tract before it is transported to other parts of the body by veins or arteries. The blood leaving through the digestive tract must be filtered by the liver, It breaks down and balances nutrients for easier use for the rest of the body ensuring they are nontoxic. The liver detoxifies anything that would pose a threat to the body if it gets into the circulatory system Thus including drugs, toxins, and poisons. It metabolizes drugs, secretes bile, and produces hormones needed for bodybuilding. The liver is also responsible for producing proteins for blood clotting and other functions.
The blood that gets into the liver is supplied by 2 sources:
- Oxygenated blood – From the hepatic artery
- Nutrient-rich blood – From the hepatic portal vein
Functions of the liver
The liver has over 500 known functions known to man. We have listed some of them below
- Filtration.
- Digestion.
- Metabolism and Detoxification.
- Protein synthesis.
- Storage of vitamins and minerals.
- Produces bile: Bile breaks down fats carry wastes away and extracts certain nutrients in the small intestine during digestion
- Production of certain proteins: The liver is responsible for producing some important proteins used for various body needs including protein for blood plasma, protein for blood clotting, transport proteins etc
- Produces cholesterol
- It is also responsible for converting excess glucose to glycogen which is then stored in the muscles and can be converted back to glucose when the energy level of the body deplete. These processes are called gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis respectively.
- Detoxification and conversion of poisonous substances to products that can be excreted or reused by the body. Poisonous ammonia is converted to urea which is safe to excrete.
- It metabolizes drugs and releases only the needed amount into the bloodstream. This happens through the first pass effect.
- It regulates the levels of amino acids in the blood.
- The liver stores iron and therefore provides the haem with its iron content which has high oxygen affinity.
- Production of hormones like IGF1, (an anabolic hormone that helps build muscles, and proteins, burns fat, and tap into sugar and fat reserves for fuel), sex hormones like testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and cortisol an anti-inflammatory hormone that helps the body adapt to stress
- The liver resists and fight against infections by producing immune factors and filtering foreign bodies from the bloodstream
- Clears accumulated bilirubin from red blood cells. Accumulated bilirubin makes the skin and eyes turn yellow.
Best Foods To Clean Out The Liver
The liver is the first stop for anything ingested orally. It is a really big and tough organ that fights and ensures that toxins do not get into the bloodstream. However, the liver cells can get damaged by these toxins and foreign bodies. Although the liver is capable of regenerating its cells, we must take good care of the liver by eating the best foods to reestablish the full function of the liver enabling it to detoxify at the highest level. A person can still be alive with a badly damaged liver but leads to chronic diseases and symptoms that indicate the body filter (liver) is damaged.
Dr. Eric Berg has suggested that these 7 foods should be included in your diet because they contain enzymes and phytonutrients to keep the liver functioning maximally. They include:
- Cruciferous vegetables
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Garlic
- Turmeric
- Beets
- Mushrooms
- Avocados

Mushrooms contain a large amount of glutathione which is a major antioxidant used by the liver to eradicate free radicals. They are also hepatoprotective. Oyster mushrooms, turkey tail mushrooms, and other edible mushrooms are a good place to start.
Cruciferous vegetable

High in a natural phytonutrient called sulforaphane that helps to detoxify the liver from things like caffeine, poisons, and drugs and get rid of inflammation. It is a protective liver compound e.g. kale, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, radish, arugula, cabbage, wasabi, mustard, and mustard greens. Introducing them into your meal enhances liver functions. The sprouts of these vegetables are very rich in this compound and should be introduced into your diet, especially in salads. These vegetables also contain a lot of phytonutrients that help in decreasing complications that arise from diabetes. They also mop up free radicals, improve insulin sensitivity, improve insulin resistance, and support blood sugars

Turmeric contains an active phytonutrient called curcumin. This phytonutrient is a powerhouse in reducing inflammation. Curcumin has been proven by research to play a role in the management of some conditions like arthritis, hyperlipidemia, metabolic syndrome, and oxidative and inflammatory conditions. It also detoxifies heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, and arsenic. Turmeric helps to repair and regenerate liver cells and stabilizes the mitochondria which give it its anti-cancer function.

Garlic is the next best food to consume as it is loaded with sulfur that detoxifies the liver and acts as natural antibiotic fighting against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. It also has the key function of stripping fats off the liver. It is also anti-inflammatory, contains vitamin b1, and has anti-cancer properties

Avocados are rich in glutathione and a great option for repairing and supporting liver functions. 1 avocado a week can cause significant improvements in liver function. Its anti-inflammatory properties reduce the risk of hepatitis, fatty liver, and cirrhosis.

Beets detoxify the liver and reduce certain liver enzymes if they are high. The pigments in beets contain phytonutrients that can help activate the release of bile salts which help to reduce the number of fats in the liver. Beets are also hepatoprotective, protecting the cells of the liver while significantly reducing inflammation in the cells of the liver leading to slowing the process of fibrosis, cirrhosis, and scar tissue down.
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Not only is the extra virgin olive oil a healthy cooking option, but a very small amount of extra virgin olive oil also creates huge differences in the function of the liver enzymes. It also reduces liver fat, improves insulin sensitivity, reduces insulin resistance and it is a very powerful anti-inflammatory food
Symptoms of liver damage
Different symptoms indicate the liver is being damaged faster than it can regenerate itself. Some of these symptoms include
- Itchiness in the body
- Jaundice
- Lethargy
- Achy Joints
- Feeling nauseous
- Lowered cognitive function
- Gallstones
Common Liver diseases
- Hepatitis
- Cirrhosis
- Liver cancer (the most common type of liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma)
- Liver failure
- Ascites
- Gallstones
- Hemochromatosis
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis
- Primary biliary cirrhosis
Chemical levels in the blood are regulated and controlled by the liver. The filtration function of the liver ensures that toxins and foreign bodies do not get transported into the bloodstream.
The liver secretes bile which contains and carries away waste products from the liver Bile by-products are sent to the intestine and are excreted from the body as faeces.
It is important to eat foods that help the liver regenerate its cells, detoxify and break down unwanted fats. Foods like cruciferous vegetables, garlic, Turmeric, beets, extra virgin olive oil and avocados are the best foods to clean out the liver.
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