Here you can download Tamale Recipe By Indiana University Bloomington Pdf book free online – from Tamale Recipe By Indiana University Bloomington Pdf book; I start with hydrating my dried chili ancho. I put about 8-10 of the chili anchoes into a 3 or 4 quart
saucepan with water. I put enough water to cover the chilies. Bring water to a boil and then let simmer
for 20-25 min. Remove from stove and let sit for 10 minutes. Open and remove seeds from chilies. I run
water through chilies as I remove the seeds with a strainer underneath to catch the seeds.
I then add the chilies to a blender with other half of onion, ½ tsp Adobo, ½ tsp salt, ½ tsp cumin and 1 c
of broth. Puree until the thickness of a shake.
In a large sauté pan heat up ¼ cup of olive oil and then add pureed chili ancho and cook for about 5-8
minutes. Stir the paste to keep it from bubbling too much. Once you are done set it aside. Refrigerate it
until we are ready to use it.
Seasoning Meat
Now that the meat and chili ancho sauce is completed, we can season the meat. In a large sauté pan,
add ¼ cup of olive oil and heat. Add your meat and add about 1 tsp. of cumin, ½ tsp Adobo and salt to
taste, stir this up. Now you can add in chili ancho paste, 3-4 Tablespoons. Stir and simmer for about 5-8
min. Once you are done set the meat aside. The recipe is in the book