How To Make A Delicious Yam Porridge
Yam porridge or Pottage as it is popularly called is one of Nigeria’s wonderful dishes that is majorly cooked with Yam and other ingredients. This… Read More »How To Make A Delicious Yam Porridge
Yam porridge or Pottage as it is popularly called is one of Nigeria’s wonderful dishes that is majorly cooked with Yam and other ingredients. This… Read More »How To Make A Delicious Yam Porridge
What makes oha/ora soup special? You might be asking, aside the fact that it’s extremely tasty, it also has wonderful nutritional values that you might not have known. Oha soup is blessed with lots of nutrients when prepared well enough. Ora leaves are used when preparing this delicacy and they are highly seasonal plants which makes them a little rare to find especially, in other parts of Nigeria. Unlike the bitter leaf, ora leaves when plucked decay as fast as possible so it’s advised to use it when freshly plucked.
Tuwo Shinkafa and Miyan taushe is a northern Nigerian dish. It is a thick pudding made out of local rice, millet or maize. It is usually served with soups of Northern origin. The soup may be Miyan Kuka, Miyan Kubewa or Miyan Taushe. However, for the sake of this lesson we will be serving our Tuwo with Miyan Taushe. Miyan Taushe is a pumpkin soup of northern origin. It is most commonly eaten among the northern people of Nigeria; the Hausas and Fulanis.
White Soup (Ofe Nsala) Recipe, originating from the South-Eastern Region, white soup also nsala soup is mostly eaten by the amazing people of Delta and Anambra State. It is a mouthwatering dish from the Ombala area in Anambra. It can be eaten by all lovers of catfish, which is one of the main ingredients. Join me to prepare Ofe Nsala.
Here is one amazing delicacy you would love to try out Abacha (The African Salad): Origin and Health Benefits Sometimes you crave for something different and it has a lot of health benefits.