I guess stomach ulcer and what to do about them has posed problems to some persons. Asides diet, people who suffer from ulcer dread certain kind of activities.
Stomach ulcer are painful sores in the stomach lining. Of course that’s why people who suffer them always complain of pain. They are a type of peptic ulcer disease. Peptic ulcer are types of ulcer that affect both stomach and small intestines.
Do you know that stomach ulcer occurs when the thick layer of mucus that protects your stomach from digestive juice is reduced? Through this digestive acids eat away the tissues that line the stomach thereby causing ulcer.
Symptoms of Ulcer
There are various symptoms that can be associated with stomach ulcer. The major symptom is pain around the stomach or a bit higher. Sometimes this pain can be like a burning sensation. The pain is mostly intense and lasts for a few hours when the stomach is empty.
Indigestion is another symptom of stomach ulcer. It causes pain or discomfort which can be mistaken to be heartburn. This is usually in the stomach area or lower part of the chest.
Some other symptoms of ulcer include;
- Weight loss
- Inability to eat
- Nausea
- Heart burn
- Bloating
- Dark or bloody stool
- Burping or acid reflux
- Bloating
Causes of Ulcer
Studies have shown that stomach ulcer is mostly caused by two things which are
- H.pylori bacteria. This comes through an infection with the bacterium (Helicobacter Pylori)
- Consistent use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, naproxen or ibruprofen(NSAID)
These are group of painkillers that carry a risk of stomach ulcers. Ibruprofen and aspirin are widely known. Regular use of these drugs or taking them in high doses increases the risk of ulcer.
There are also stronger NSAID which are more risky for stomach ulcer. Doctors are better consulted on the use of any sort of painkillers.
Other insignificant causes of stomach ulcer include
- Hyperacidity, a case of the stomach having excess acid. This can be caused by smoking, genetics, and some type of food.
- Zollinger Ellison Syndrome: a disease that causes the production of stomach acid in excess
Treatment of Stomach Ulcer
When it comes to stomach ulcer and what to do about them, there is an option for treatment.
The treatment of ulcer may vary depending on the cause of ulcer. Ulcer can be treated by doctor’s prescription. Sometimes a surgery may be required to treat ulcer.
- Non-Surgical Treatment
Treating ulcer is very important to avoid an escalating condition. Discuss with a doctor and schedule a plan for treatment. In cases of bleeding ulcer, patient is hospitalized for intensive treatment with endoscopy and IV ulcer medication.
If your ulcer is as a result of the bacteria H.pylori, antibiotic drugs and Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI) will be needed. PPI blocks the stomach cell that produces acid.
The PPIs are used once the cause of the ulcer is removed. The cause of the stomach ulcer can be removed by changing the type of painkiller (NSAIDS) if they are the cause.
Once the cause has been removed, the stomach begins to heal. Therefore protecting the stomach from further damage becomes necessary. This is where the PPI is used to block further release of acid that could cause damage.
Other drugs that can be used for this same purpose include
- H2 receptor antagonists: It also prevents the stomach from releasing excess acid.
- Pepto-Bismol: protects the stomach lining
- Antacids or alginate
Ulcer patients are advised to continue treatment if the ulcer is due to an H.pylori infection. At the same time triggers such as smoking, and drinking alcohol should be avoided
- Surgical Treatment
Sometimes surgery may be an option for treating stomach ulcer. This is needed when ulcer continues to return. Other conditions necessary for a surgery includes
- When ulcer fails to heal
- When bleeding continues
- When ulcer prevents food from leaving the stomach.
The methods of surgery for treating stomach ulcer can be in the following ways
- Removal of the ulcer
- Tying off bleeding blood vessels
- Patching over the ulcer site. This is done using tissue from another part of the intestine.
- Cutting off the nerve that controls production of stomach acid.
- Healthful Diet
Eating a healthy diet may not be a direct cure for stomach ulcer. However studies show that some diet have an impact on other parts(intestines) of the body which helps to cure ulcer.
In addition to seeing a doctor, ulcer patients are advised to feed on lots of fruit and vegetables. Eating foods that help to fight H.pylori bacteria are encouraged.
- Leafy green: spinach
- Apples
- Berries: blueberry, raspberry, Strawberry.
- Cabbage
- Probiotic-rich foods: this includes lactobacillius which is naturally found in the gut. It helps to restore the natural balance of bacteria.
A 2014 review of clinical studies revealed that taking pro biotics with prescribed medication makes treatment more effective. It also reduces the side effect any medication could have.
- Fermented foods: these are rich sources of microbes( bacteria, yeast and fungi). Eating foods that contain them restores the balance of the gut microbe.
NB: Due to acid reflux diseases, keep away from spicy and sour foods while ulcer heals.
Despite any treatment available for stomach ulcer, patients are advised to see a doctor when symptoms shows up. Stomach symptoms that persists for more than a few days needs a medical check up.
Symptoms of anaemia such as tiredness and breathlessness are signs of a slow-bleeding ulcer.