Here you can download Recipes for Eatmor Fresh Cranberries By Eatmor Pdf book free online – from Recipes for Eatmor Fresh Cranberries By Eatmor Pdf book;
10-Minute Cranberry Sauce
2 cups sugar 2 cups water 4 cups Eatmor Cranberries (one bag or box)
Boil sugar and water together 5 minutes. Add cranberries and boil, without stirring, until all the skins pop open–about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool in saucepan. Makes one quart 10-Minute Cranberry Sauce.
=Cranberry-Ambrosia.= Pour sauce over thin-sliced oranges, top with shredded cocoanut for Cranberry Ambrosia.
=Minted Cranberry Sauce.= Stir in teaspoon chopped fresh mint or few drops mint extract for Minted Cranberry Sauce.
=Cranberry Apricot Delight.= Add 1 cup cooked sweetened apricots for Cranberry Apricot Delight.