Here you can download Pie By Texas A & M AgriLife Pdf book free online – from Pie By Texas A & M AgriLife Pdf book; Kaylee’s Fresh Kiwi Strawberry Pie
Flaky Pie Crust
4 cups all-purpose flour
1 3/4 Cups Crisco
1 Tbs. granulated sugar
2 tsp. salt
1 Tbs. white vinegar
1 egg
1/2 Cup water
Preheat oven to 425 degrees fahrenheit. Mix, with a fork, the all-purpose flour, Crisco,
granulated sugar and salt in a large bowl. Mix the white vinegar, egg and water in small bowl.
Combine the small bowl ingredients to the large bowl ingredients and mix. Knead into a ball.
Place the ball of dough in the freezer; chill for 15 minutes. Remove the chilled dough and roll
out between two sheets of wax paper that are lightly floured. Place pie crust in a pie dish, prick
holes in the crust with a fork and bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes or until lightly browned.
3/4 Cup granulated sugar
2 Tbs cornstarch
2 Tbs lemon juice in1 cup measure, filled to 1 cup with water
1 (3 oz.) package of strawberry J-ello
2 cups sliced strawberries
2 cups sliced kiwi
Baked pie shell
In a 2-quart saucepan, mix sugar, cornstarch, and lemon juice. Bring the mixture to a boil,
stirring mixture constantly until clear and bubbly. Remove from heat, add strawberry jello and
mix thoroughly, let mixture cool. Place the sliced strawberries and kiwi in the baked pie shell.
Pour the cooled gelatin mixture over the sliced strawberries and kiwi. Refrigerate the pie until
firm, approximately 4 hours.
Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie