Here you can download Pastries and Pies By Utah Education Network (UEN) Pdf book free – online – from Pastries and Pies By Utah Education Network (UEN) Pdf book;
The four main ingredients in pastry,
and their function.
• Flour structure
• Salt flavor
• Fat tenderness
• Liquid hold together, moisture
When cutting in shortening with flour and salt, why is it important to mix it thoroughly together like coarse corn meal?
• So it will be thoroughly mixed to make the crust tender and flaky
Why is the temperature of water important when adding to the flour/shortening mixture?
• Cold water to chill fat so it doesn’t melt
What utensils do you use to add the water?
• fork
Handling the dough too much; does what to
the pastry?
• Toughens the dough
When rolling out the dough, what do you use to help prevent it from sticking to the rolling pin and counter top?
• Pastry cloth and stockinet
• Always begin rolling from the center to the outer edge, lifting it up at the edge
• Poking holes in the dough with a fork or pricking it, will prevent the dough from puffing during baking
How do you seal the top and bottom crust together?
• Rub water on the top of the bottom crust before adding top crust
Secrets to Successful Pastries
• Tender, flaky pastries are a perfect partner to any pie filling. If your pastry has one of the following problems,
Here are some solutions: