Here you can download Nepali Momos By Together Women Rise Pdf book free on;ine – from Nepali Momos By Together Women Rise Pdf book; Nepali Momos (Nepali Meat Dumplings Nepal’s national dish)
Filling Ingredients:
1 lb. ground meat, either chicken, turkey, pork, lamb or goat
1 cup diced onion
½ cup diced shallots
½ chopped cilantro
½ cup diced tomatoes
1 teaspoon garlic paste
1 teaspoon ginger paste
¼ teaspoon tumeric
1 teaspoon cumin powder
1 teaspoon coriander powder
3 fresh chilis, diced finely and/or ground into a paste
4 Tablespoons butter
salt to taste
1 Combine all filling ingredients. Mix well, adjust seasoning according to taste.
Packing Dumplings:
2 Hold wrapper on one palm. Put about 1 spoon of filling in middle of wrapper.
3 With the other hand bring all edges together to center, making the pleats. Pinch and twist
the pleats to ensure the absolute closure of the dumpling. Closing the meat inside wrapper is the secret of tasty and juicy dumplings.
Steaming Dumplings:
4 Heat up water in steamer.
5 Oil the steamer rack well or put cabbage or lettuce leaves on bottom to prevent dumplings
from sticking to rack. Put dumping in steamer.
6 When water boils, close the lid on rack.
7 Steaming until the dumplings are cooked through, about 10-15 minutes.
Can be served with tomato achar, chutney or coriander chutney