Here you can download Methods of Pastry Making Pdf book free online – from Methods of Pastry Making Pdf book; From Sprowston Community Academy. Flaky is much quicker to make Puff requires a lot of resting Folding develops the layers
A hot oven is needed to create STEAM to separate the layers Strong flour with a lot of GLUTEN (protein) can be used, to support the layers
Baking trays don’t need oiling If you mess up the rolling you can’t ‘screw’ it back together as you will lose the layers Quite a ‘greasy’ pastry due to fat content
The Folding Method
This pastry is greasy and oily due to the equal amounts of fat and flour.
Fat can be butter, lard, vegetable fat or margarine BUT it must be the ‘block’ type.
• Butter/ margarine give a good flavour and colour.
• Lard gives a good crisp texture.
• Butter and lard are not suitable for vegans.
The first ¼ of fat is rubbed in and then cold liquid added to make a dough.
The pastry can then be kneaded to develop the GLUTEN (protein) this forms strands which
help the layers form. (Complete opposite to short pastry).
The colder you keep the pastry the better the layers develop.
Lemon juice strengthens the gluten allowing better development of the layers
Resting the pastry between the rolling and folding cools it and allows it to rest and the
gluten to develop.
The layering traps air which will expand in the hot oven and push the layers apart.
A hot oven is needed to develop the steam to push the layers apart.