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Many Ways for Cooking Eggs By Mrs. Rorer Pdf

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Many Ways for Cooking Eggs By Mrs S. T. Rorer Pdf
Many Ways for Cooking Eggs By  Mrs. Rorer Pdf

Here you can download Many Ways for Cooking Eggs By Mrs. Rorer Pdf book online – from Many Ways for Cooking Eggs By Mrs. Rorer Pdf book; Make a tomato sauce. Pour one-half in the bottom of a baking dish or granite platter, break in from four to six fresh eggs, cover with the other half of the sauce, dust the top with grated cheese, and bake in a moderate oven until “set,” about fifteen or twenty minutes. Serve for supper in the place of meat.


Make a half pint of cream sauce. Put half of it in the bottom of a baking dish or into the bottom of ramekin dishes or individual cups. Break fresh eggs on top of the cream sauce, dust with a little salt and pepper, pour over the remaining cream sauce, sprinkle the top with grated cheese, and bake in a moderate oven until the cheese is browned and eggs are “set.” Serve in the dish or dishes in which they are cooked.

Many Ways for Cooking Eggs By Mrs S. T. Rorer Pdf


6 eggs 1 pint of dry boiled rice 1/2 pint of strained tomato 2 mushrooms 2 tablespoonfuls of grated Parmesan cheese 2 level tablespoonfuls of butter 2 level

Many Ways for Cooking Eggs By Mrs S. T. Rorer Pdf

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