Have you ever found yourself in a situation whereby you scratch your skin without control? Perhaps it has become an unconscious act. Itchy skin can be very disturbing and embarrassing. I guess so many people have long sought answers to such predicament. Relax, we’ve got answers to all your questions on Itchy Skin(Pruritus): Causes And Remedies
It is called Pruritus. That irritating sensation that makes you want to scratch the hell out of your skin just to be relieved. Most times, it calls for seeing a doctor. Mostly when you are clueless on its cause.
Itchy skin(Pruritus): Causes And Remedies stem from several skin conditions, certain weather conditions or your environment.
Causes of An Itchy Skin
- Dry Skin
Dry skin is a skin condition characterized by scaling, itching, and cracking. Dry skin could be as a result of so many reasons. Some people might naturally have a dry skin. Other people with oily skin can also experience dry skin often.
This condition majorly affects the hand, arms and legs. There are about 3 types of dry skin caused by factors such as weather conditions, hot water and chemical influence. These dry skin include: contact dermatitis, serborrheic dermatitis, and atopic dermatitis.
People may ask, who are those likely to suffer from dry skin? There is no particular group of people who suffer from dry skin. Yet, factors such as age, medical history, season and bathing habits increase the chances of having a dry skin.
- Rashes
These are noticeable changes in the texture or colour of a person’s skin. This skin condition makes the skin either scaly, bumpy, or itchy. Some common skin rashes at listed below.
- Ringworm: this is a circular shaped scaly rash. It forms a ring and the skin in the middle of the ring appears clear while the edges are spread.
- Diaper Rash: This appears on the areas where diapers are worn. It appears red, wet and irritating.
- Flea bites: these are itchy red bumps surrounded by red halo. It is usually located on the lower legs and feet.
- Impetigo: This is common in babies and children. It is very irritating and forms blisters that pop easily to form a honey-coloured crust.
- Chicken Pox: These are clusters of itchy red fluid-filled blisters all over the body. Such rash is very contagious and accompanied by fever, sore throat, and body aches.
- Allergies
Allergic reactions also cause itchy skin. When the skin comes in direct contact with an allergen, a kind of allergy called allergic contact dermatitis occurs.
The result of an allergy is always a red, itchy, rash that can be inform of small blisters or bumps. This rash is as a result of contact with any substance that the immune system attacks.
It takes a little time for this rash to appear after contact with an allergen. Triggers of an allergic reaction include, touching pets, chemicals, soaps and other substances like poison.
Some people also suffer nickel allergy which is very common. Such persons react easily when they wear jewelries that contain nickel element.
- Eczema
Eczema also known as a topic dermatitis is the most common cause of skin rash in children. Some reports say that eczema affects 10-20% of children but only 1-3% of adults.
The cause of eczema is said to be the leakiness of the skin barrier. This causes the area to dry out and leaves it at the risk of irritation and inflammation.
People with eczema are often vulnerable to other skin infections.
- Body Lice
Lice are parasitic insects that feed on human blood. They affect the head, body and pubic areas. Three types of lice that can infest a human body include, body louse, head louse, and pubic louse.
Body Lice occurs when a certain type of lice invades the body and clothing. It infests the body when there is close contact with other people. Infestation can also occur in areas of poor hygiene.
This type of lice are typically found on humans not other animals. They die within five or seven days if they fall off the human body. This means they survive only by feeding on their host ( humans)
- Other causes of itchy skin include, candida, cirrhosis, hives, scabies, jocky itch, measles, and a few others. Factors such as nervous system disorders, internal disorders, medications and pregnancy could also cause itchy skin.
Remedies for Itchy Skin
- Domestic Remedies: some of the common and natural remedies that can be used for itchy skin are found into the following advise;
- Use a good moisturizing cream to keep your skin always hydrated
- Take a cool bathe often with disinfectants such as dettol.
- Stay away from substances such as perfumes, soaps, etc that contain colored dyes. This is very necessary for people who have allergies.
- Take an oral antihistamine.
- Soak a towel in cold water, wring it until damp and use it for a cold compress. This works very well for eczema.
- Add colloidal oatmeal to bathing water.
- Other Remedies:
- Use anti-itch products that contain camphor, menthol, phenol, pramoxine, and benadryl. This should be taken according to the direction of a dermatologist.
- Use of apple cidar vinegar according to National Psoriasis Foundation.
How To Use Apple Cidar Vinegar
- The vinegar is diluted in water on a 1 to 1 ratio
- Apply the solution to the scalp and let it dry.
- Rinse it gently with lukewarm water.
NB: People with cracked and bleeding skin should avoid this treatment.
Bottom Line
When do I see a doctor?
Effective treatment can be given to Itching naturally or domestically. However consulting a doctor is also very necessary especially in the following conditions
- When itching persists of flares up regularly.
- When unusual rash, and bumps, accompanies itching.
- When itching spreads within the entire body.
- When itching begins to shoe signs of infection.
Consulting a doctor will always help to quicken the process of recovery.