A lot of people have Indigestion because of some bad habits like late-night eating or smoking. Also, there are some amazing fruits that help to prevent or control indigestion. According to Merriam Webster dictionary, Indigestion is the inability to digest or difficulty to digest something. It is also a case or attack of indigestion marked especially by a burning sensation or discomfort in the upper abdomen. Another name for indigestion is Dyspepsia. Below are indigestion symptoms: causes, remedies and diets, First what are the causes of indigestion?
Causes of Indigestion
- Eating too much or too quickly
- Eating oily, spicy and greasy food
- Too much Alcohol
- Smoking
- Lying down immediately after eating
- Side effects of some drugs
- Too much chocolate, caffeine and/or carbonated drinks.
- Stress
Signs and Symptoms of Indigestion
There are some signs that let you know you have Indigestion though they vary from person to person. Some of them include
- Discomfort in the upper abdomen
- A burning sensation in the chest called heartburn
- Nausea
- Retching or vomiting
- Feeling full quickly
- Bloating in the abdomen
- Severe weight loss
- Trouble with swallowing
- Releasing gas or belching
Who can have indigestion?
Talking about indigestion symptoms: causes, remedies and diets, well anybody can have indigestion. Both young and old. Also, people that have digestive tract problems like ulcers or emotional problems like anxiety or depression are at most risk of indigestion.
Treatment for Indigestion
- Lifestyle Changes
For mild symptoms, changing your lifestyle a little might be of great help
- Drink water instead of soda
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Avoid tight-fitting clothing
- Raise the head of the bed
- Medications
For severe and frequent symptoms, the doctor may be prescribed some medications like
- Antacids
- Antidepressants
- Antibiotics
- Counselling
Chronic indigestion issues may affect a person’s life and he/she would need to go for counselling.
Prevention for Indigestion
Indigestion can be prevented.
- Eat small portions of food
- Do not overeat
- Take your time while eating
- Reduce your intake of highly acidic foods and fruits like oranges and grapefruits
- Reduce intake of foods or drinks containing caffeine like tea or carbonated drinks
- Reduce alcohol intake
- Quit smoking
- Exercise before eating or an hour after eating
- Wait three hours after eating before lying down.
Home Remedies for taking care of Indigestion
- Peppermint Tea: helps to relieve stomach problems like Indigestion and nausea. A cup of peppermint tea or a peppermint candy after a meal helps to soothe the stomach but if your indigestion is caused by acid reflux, do not take peppermint.
- Chamomile Tea: helps to ease discomfort in the gut and relieve indigestion. A cup of chamomile tea would do.
- Ginger: aids digestion because it helps to reduce stomach acid. One (1) piece of ginger root in four (4) cups of water is enough.
- Lemon Water: is alkaline in nature. It helps neutralize stomach acid and also improve digestion. In a cup of hot or warm water, add a tablespoon of lemon water and drink a few minutes before a meal.
- Baking Soda (sodium bicarbonate): helps to neutralize stomach acid and relieve indigestion. Half (½) spoon of baking soda in four (4) ounces of water.
Common indigestion Triggers
Here are some foods that can trigger or cause indigestion when eaten in large quantities.
- Chocolate
- Alcohol
- Caffeine and caffeinated drinks
- Tomatoes
- Spicy foods
- Acidic foods or fruits
- Dairy products
Foods to eat that aid digestion
- Vegetables
- Oatmeal
- Egg Whites
- Seafood
- Non- citrus fruits like pears
- Lean meats
- Yoghurt
Fruits that aid digestion
- Apricot is one of the amazing fruits we have. It is filled to the brim with Vitamin C. It helps to boost your immunity and keeps your skin healthy and shiny. This fruit also has a high fibre content which helps to prevent indigestion
- Kiwi is one of the fruits with high fibre content. This enables it to aid digestion as well as ensure colon health.
- Guava is a fruit that has been proven to be extremely beneficial for your digestive health. Apart from being one of the richest sources of dietary fibre, one(1) guava is twelve percent (12%) of the daily recommended intake of fibre.
- Apples which are high in pectin fibre give relief from either diarrhea or indigestion. It also helps improve digestion so it truly keeps the doctor away.
- Mangoes contain fibre which aid smooth flow of both food and wastes through the digestive tract. It also helps in reducing the risk of colon cancer.
- Bananas have high fibre content which helps to fasten the digestion process. It also helps in bowel regularity.
- Papaya contains a digestive enzyme called papain. It assists in the digestive process by breaking protein down. It also helps to ease indigestion and bloating
Indigestion is often mild and can be taken care of with lifestyle and dietary changes. It can also be taken care of with these fruits and home remedies. If these do not work, go see a doctor and get a diagnosis.