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Healthful Sports for Boys By Alfred Rochefort Pdf

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Healthful Sports for Boys By Alfred Rochefort Pdf
Healthful Sports for Boys By Alfred Rochefort Pdf

Here you can download Healthful Sports for Boys By Alfred Rochefort Pdf book free online – from Healthful Sports for Boys By Alfred Rochefort Pdf book; The holes are three feet apart. The object of each player is to shoot his taw so that it will enter and stay in the first hole.

If he succeeds, he is allowed to place his thumb on the far edge of the first hole, and using his hand as a pair of dinders, by a twist of the wrist he marks with his longest finger a curved line on the ground. This is called “taking a span.” From the span line he shoots at the second hole, and if successful continues on to the third. If this is won, he takes a span backward for the middle hole. If he reaches the first hole, he repeats it over, but this time he is entitled to two spans. The third time, if there is no miss, he can take three spans, and if he succeeds, he becomes a “King Duck,” and takes four spans.

If the first player misses, and the second player rolls into the first hole, he takes a span and shoots–if it is near–at the first taw, and if he hits, he can place his taw in the second hole, and so on till he misses.

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