Here you can download Habits that Handicap By Charles B. Towns Pdf book free online – from Habits that Handicap By Charles B. Towns Pdf book; patients who have come to me taking morphine or other alkaloids of opium have taken the drug hypodermically.
With few exceptions, I have found that the first knowledge of it came through the administration of a hypodermic by a physician. It is the instrument used that has shown the sufferer what was easing his pain. I consider that among those who have acquired the habit through sickness or injury this has been the chief creator of the drug habit. This statement does not apply to those who have acquired the habit through the taking of drugs otherwise. My work has been carried out almost entirely in cooperation with the physician, and I have not come in contact with the under-world drug-takers. I consider that the syringe has been the chief creator of the drug habit in this country. In 1911 I made this statement before the Ways and Means Committee of the United States Congress, then occupied with the matter of regulating the sale of habit-forming drugs, and I personally secured the act which was passed by