Here you can download For Luncheon and Supper Guests By Alice Bradley Pdf book free online – from For Luncheon and Supper Guests By Alice Bradley Pdf book; Ten Menus. More Than One Hundred Recipes. Suitable for Company Luncheons, Sunday Night Suppers, Afternoon Parties, Automobile Picnics, Evening Spreads, and For Tea Rooms, Lunch Rooms Coffee Shops, and Motor Inns.
In a salad bowl lined with Lettuce leaves, arrange separate piles of 1/2 pound crab meat 3 hard-cooked eggs, chopped (use silver knife so white will not discolor) 2 roots celery or 1/2 pound endive cut in small pieces, and Tomato jelly cut in cubes. Between piles place Green pepper free from seeds and cut in strips. Make a nest of heart leaves of lettuce in center and fill with Mayonnaise dressing.
The salad ingredients may be mixed lightly together, when salad is being served, or only those ingredients that are desired may be served to each person.
Heat to boiling point in agate saucepan 1 cup tomato juice and pulp 2 tablespoons mild vinegar 1 tablespoon gelatin 1/2 tablespoon sugar Bit of bay leaf 1 slice onion 1 tablespoon lemon juice,