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ONE cup, or one tablespoon, or one teaspoon, means a full measure–all it will hold of liquid, and even with the rim, or edge, of dry material. All measurements in this book are level unless otherwise stated, and the quantities indicated are designed for a family of six persons.
Stir up all packed materials, like mustard in its box, and sift flour before measuring. Fill cup without shaking down, and dip spoon in material, taking up a heaped measure, then with a knife scrape off toward the tip till you have level measure. Pack butter or Cottolene in cup so there will be no air spaces. A scant cup means one-eighth less and a heaped cup about one-eighth more than a level cup.
Divide a level spoon lengthwise for a half measure, and a half spoon crosswise for quarters or eighths. A pinch means about one-eighth, so does a saltspoon; less means a dash or a few grains.
A rounded tablespoon means filled above the rim as much as the spoon hollow below,