Yes, the internet is filled with different beauty hacks for a beautiful face and your facial health, But do you believe everything you see on the internet?.. While some products may give fast results, they can prove to have side effects in the long run.
So if you are confused about whether a particular product or ingredient is good for your facial health or not, you should read this article. Know everything about what you should avoid applying on your face, and why you should not.
You may be shocked and surprised but there are certain things that you may think are beneficial to your face health but just are not, today we are gonna go over things and items that you should never apply to your face, and I bet you’re gonna be amazed at some of the things that I have on my list.
What You Should Not Apply on Your Face
The following should not be applied to your face ;
Bar Soaps

First is bar soap, so many people have applied bar soap to cleanse the skin off their face countless times this is the mistake most men make and probably most other women but bar soap is not good to wash your face with, bar soap can made the skin dry and it also contains sodium sulfate and this is a substance that causes the face to get dry. Using bar soap on your body is much of a problem although there are other better alternatives you can decide to use instead of bar soap, you can use it on your body if you have the need to but keep it away from your face.
Petroleum Jelly

Another thing you gotta keep away from your face is petroleum jelly, so you may have had it applied by your mother or your grandmother onto your face while you were little for your lips and because of this routine you have seen it in for a long time as the ultimate natural moisturizer but actually, this is wrong, why is it so bad?… Petroleum jelly ain’t healthy for the skin solely because it was made from petroleum, it was discovered at the bottom of the base of petroleum barrels and this is where it comes from this is not good for your skin, it can also clog your pores, it’s very exclusive so if you get any history of any type of acne or skin problem then this is not good to put on your skin, so stay away from petroleum jelly.
Honestly, for your facial health, there are some natural ones made of beeswax that you can go for instead of petroleum.
Body moisturizer

Another thing you want to avoid is body moisturizer, body moisturizer is great for your body but not so great for your facial health, and like petroleum jelly body moisturizer can clog your pores and cause you to break out. Many people go to the store to buy body moisturizer in these big bottles for just a few dollars hoping it doesn’t contain harmful ingredients which unfortunately does, it’s not a bad idea to use that for your body but for your face, stick with a good facial moisturizer, it’s important to use a facial moisturizer rather than a body moisturizer for your face to bring out your facial beauty which is made with natural organic ingredients, facial moisturizers contain antioxidant which is a great moisturizer for your face, does not clog your pores and has antioxidants in it so use a moisturizer like that made special for the face.

Rubbing alcohol is one act most women do, this act is usually done as a means of face cleansing especially before and after makeup, most products especially toning products often contain alcohol in it and it gives the same feeling as rubbing alcohol on your skin and that feeling is a nice clean squeaky-clean type of feel and it feels good to put it, but what it does is to rubs off all of the oils off your skin and some people have oily skin, they have acne issues due to excess oil and they think that using or rubbing alcohol or alcohol products can get rid of that but what happens is it gets rid of the oil temporarily but then your skin realizes that it is missing oil and it creates even more oil in response to the alcohol use.

Some online beauty hacks speak of using your deodorant as a facial primer. However, this item is meant only for your armpits and as such should not be used for the face, this is not good for your facial health. There is a very big difference between the skin of the armpit and that of the face. The skin of your face has more oil glands, while the armpit has more sweat glands. Deodorant helps control perspiration production and not oil reproduction on the face. Using deodorant on the face has the possibility of causing itching and discomfort.
Hot water

Using hot water directly on your face can reduce the natural oil in your skin, making it dehydrated. Hot water strips the facial skin of its natural oils leading to dehydrated, itchy skin and eventually causing skin disease which is not good for facial health.
Opt for warm water or facial steam instead as this will help open the skin and reduce the dirt for better cleansing.

Lemons are very rich in antioxidants. However, what you shouldn’t do is try to rub slices of lemon on your face! Lemons have much usefulness, but applying their juice to your face won’t do you any good. Lemons are rich in a chemical called psoralen, which can make your skin sensitive to light. If you go out after you have applied lemon juice to your face, it can irritate or even burn your skin. If you go out after putting anything that contains citric acid on your face, you can get a chemical burn called phytophotodermatitis. For bleaching and whitening, it would be better to make use of potato or tomato slices.

What happens in the bedroom is your personal space but if you’re promoting the bottling of semen to paste on your face, it’s not a private issue at all.
The semen facial applications blew onto the beauty space around 2014 when lifestyle blogger Tracy Kiss posted a video touting the moisturizing, calming, and additional “usefulness” that ejaculation had on her facial health and it being the cause of her beauty.
Many others jumped on the bandwagon, stating semen stopped their acne and other skin issues. These claims have no scientific evidence, and can not be proven, dermatologists have widely rejected and criticized the concept.
The blogger who started the trend said she sourced the semen from a close friend, but this is a dangerous risk to take for facial health. Several sexually transmitted infections (STIs) can be transmitted via mucous membranes, and many go undiagnosed so by such source gathering and rubbing semen from unknown sources has a risk of passing infections to your skin and your body.
Additionally, some people are allergic to semen and experience symptoms from a burning sensation to anaphylaxis when their skin comes into contact with semen.

Some people who seek the need for a golden glow have turned to their urine as their toner. The theory behind the “pee facial” is that the urea and uric acid in one’s body will help hydrate skin and tighten pores to remove acne.
Urine is about 98% water and as such doesn’t really have the power to increase facial health.
Certain skin products do contain urea to help with preventing skin problems like acne or psoriasis. However, the urea is synthetic and of a higher concentration than what’s found in human urine. The application and use of urine on the face, especially on inflamed skin, may invite infection. Researchers and dermatologists warn that, although urine is sterile, once it’s no longer in the body it has the potential to grow bacteria and a greater risk of infections.
Tips To Keep Your Facial Skin Healthy And Hydrated.
While we have discussed things you should avoid because of your facial health, here are some tips to keep your facial health and skin healthy.
- Have a simple daily routine for skincare, and it will go a long way in giving you radiant skin.
- Do not forget to remove your makeup with a makeup cleanser before sleeping instead of alcohol.
- Wash your face only two times a day or when extremely necessary. Overwashing could make your facial skin dry.
- Keep your shower timing within 10 to 15 minutes to keep the natural pH level of your body balanced.
- Scrubbing your face once a week is sufficient, and do not over-scrub your face.
- Remove your facial hair gently whenever you shave it off or use wax. Take proper precautions before and after hair removal.
- Eat foods that are high in antioxidants.
- Keep your face moisturized daily with facial cream or lotion.
- Get 8 hours of beauty sleep daily.
- Drink enough water regularly to keep your body hydrated for better facial health
- Know your skin and get skincare and facial items that suit your skin type.
All that has been said above is about the face only, your face serves as your major source of identity, and calls for all attention, treatment, and care. But taking care of your facial health does not necessarily mean applying items. It also involves identifying the ingredients and products that you need to avoid. As facial skin is very delicate but it’s necessary to be gentle with it, it needs mild, soft, and gentle products that suit your skin texture and type. Know what your facial skin loves and what to stay clear of for a radiant glow and better facial health.
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