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Every Step in Canning By Grace Viall Gray Pdf

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Every Step in Canning By Grace Viall Gray Pdf
Every Step in Canning By  Grace Viall Gray Pdf

Here you can download Every Step in Canning By Grace Viall Gray Pdf book free online – from Every Step in Canning By Grace Viall Gray Pdf book; If you use a homemade rack without handles you should have a jar lifter of some kind for placing in and removing jars from the canner. If individual holders are used this is not necessary, as they contain an upright bail.

Some women use a wire potato masher for lifting the jars out of the canners. Other kitchen equipment, such as scales, knives, spoons, wire basket or a piece of cheesecloth or muslin for blanching or scalding the product, and the kitchen clock play their part in canning.

No canning powder or any preservative is needed. If the product is cooked in closed jars in the hot-water bath as directed the food will be sterilized so that it will keep indefinitely. If it is desired to add salt, sugar, sirup, vinegar or other flavor this may be done when the product is packed in the jar.

A great many people have been led to believe through advertising matter that it is both safe and practical to use canning compounds for the preserving of vegetables which have proved hard

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