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Eating well for a healthy pregnancy By Helen Crawley Pdf

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Eating well for a healthy pregnancy By Helen Crawley Pdf
 Eating well for a healthy pregnancy By Helen Crawley Pdf

Here you can download Eating well for a healthy pregnancy By Helen Crawley Pdf book free online – from Eating well for a healthy pregnancy By Helen Crawley Pdf book; Women need to gain enough weight in pregnancy to ensure that their baby is born at a good birthweight, as that gives the baby the best chance of feeding well and growing and developing normally.

Women who are themselves short and thin, those who may have been born at a low birthweight, and those who smoke and who gain little weight in pregnancy, are at greatest risk of having a baby with low birthweight. Women under 20 are at greater risk of having low weight gain in pregnancy compared to older women.

It is important that everyone gives a clear and consistent message about eating well in pregnancy first and foremost and takes a considered view of weight gain in pregnancy, which is likely to vary for each woman.
If a woman has had an eating disorder, it is important that extra support and advice are sought from a GP or paediatric dietitian to ensure that everyone is clear about whether the woman is gaining enough weight, and that the pregnancy is carefully monitored.

Being overweight in pregnancy impacts on the health of pregnant women, the delivery, and the health and wellbeing of the baby. Women who enter pregnancy overweight are more likely to gain too much weight in
pregnancy, and

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