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Dressed Game and Poultry à la Mode By Harriet Pdf

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Dressed Game and Poultry à la Mode By Harriet Pdf
Dressed Game and Poultry à la Mode By Harriet Pdf

Here you can download Dressed Game and Poultry à la Mode By Harriet Pdf book free online – from Dressed Game and Poultry à la Mode By Harriet Pdf book; At this the sporting season of the year, I venture to offer to the public another of my little series in the form of Dressed Game and Poultry.

No doubt many of the recipes are well known, but it has been my aim to collect from all the culinary preserves such recipes that from personal experience I know to be good. All the known and unknown tomes on the gourmet’s art have been consulted, and I have to thank the authors for this assistance to my work, as well as those cordons bleus from whom I have practically learnt some few of them.

Make a stuffing with the liver of the capon, a dozen roasted chestnuts, a piece of butter, parsley, green onions, very little garlic, two yolks of eggs, salt and pepper. Stuff the capon, and then roast it, covering it with buttered paper. When it is cooked, brush it over with the yolk of an egg diluted in a little lukewarm batter; sprinkle breadcrumbs over all, and let it brown, and serve with a sharp sauce.

Braised Ducks à la St. Michel.

Rub some flour and oil over a couple of ducks, and brown them in the oven for a short time. Mix together a cup of Chablis wine and a cup of broth, season with pepper and salt; braise the ducks till they are tender. Chop some mushrooms, chives, and parsley; mix these in the broth in which the ducks were braised. Put the ducks to keep warm before the fire whilst the sauce ‘reduces.’ Dredge in a very little flour, and send up the ducks with the sauce round them.

Duck à la Mode.

Divide two ducks into quarters, and put them

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