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Domestic French Cookery, 4th ed. By Sulpice Barué Pdf

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Domestic French Cookery, 4th ed. By Sulpice Barué Pdf
Domestic French Cookery, 4th ed. By  Sulpice Barué Pdf

Here you can download Domestic French Cookery, 4th ed. By Sulpice Barué Pdf book free online – from Domestic French Cookery, 4th ed. By Sulpice Barué Pdf book;

three or four onions, and a carrot cut small, a little parsley, and a dozen mushrooms. Set it over the fire until the butter is melted, and then add three table-spoonfuls of flour stirred into a pint of cream or rich milk, with salt, pepper, and nutmeg to your taste. Stir it till it boils; then reduce the fire, and let the bechamel stew gently for three quarters of an hour. When it is done, strain it, and then stir in the yolks of three eggs.


Cut into dice, or small square pieces, half a pound of bacon or ham, a carrot, a turnip, and two onions. Put them into a sauce-pan, with two large spoonfuls of veal-dripping; add a little butter (about two ounces), and two large spoonfuls of flour. Moisten it with boiling water, or broth. Add nutmeg, cloves, thyme, parsley, salt, and pepper to your taste; also a laurel-leaf. Let it stew for an hour. Strain it, and before you serve it up, squeeze in a little lemon-juice. Domestic French Cookery, 4th ed. By Sulpice Barué Pdf

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