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Depression In Young People: Causes, Symptoms And Prevention

Depression In Young People
Depression In Young People

The word depression is one word most people do not like to talk about, while most times people who know about the word “depression” see it as a SIN that shouldn’t be spoken about. Depression in the modern age is something that can be situated with a “wildfire” and wildfire they say spread fast and this wildfire burns more among the youths and young people in the society. Depression in young people has grown tremendously due to many factors which will be later discussed in this article.

What exactly is Depression?…. Depression (significant depressive problem) is a typical and serious clinical sickness that adversely influences how you feel, how you think, and how you act. Luckily, it is additionally treatable. Depression causes sensations of misery or potentially a deficiency of interest in activities you once delighted in. It can prompt different profound issues and can diminish your capacity to work at work and home. The state of being troubled or unhappy isn’t equivalent to being depressed. Depression is frequently used to express how we feel when having a terrible week at work or while we’re going through a separation. In any case, a significant depression problem — a sort of depression — is considered more complicated than that.

According to research conducted by the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, it is believed that 1 in every 15 adults and youth suffers from depression and about 3.4%-5% of the population of the world suffers from depression and this estimate does not include underdeveloped nations of the world. These statistics indicate a growing rate of depression among young people in society.

Depression is a common illness worldwide that roughly affects about  280 million people in the world. Especially when intermittent and with moderate or severe intensity, depression may become a serious health condition. It can beget the affected person to suffer greatly and serve inadequately at work, at the academy, and in the family. In the worst-case scenario, depression can lead to the thought of suicide or self-destruction. Many people in the world die due to self-murder every time. self-murder is the fourth leading cause of death in 15-29-year-olds. Depression among young people is one of the commonest sources of mental illness in the world today and is psychologically believed to be less attended to because of ignorance.


Depression in young people can be related to various symptoms and psychological cues. Depression is more of a psychological than a physical issue and as such most of its problems are caused by a breakdown in psychological and mental order. Before we go in-depth into the causes of this psychological problem let’s first look at some of the symptoms of depression among young people.

Depression In Young People

Some of the symptoms of depression in young people are ;

  • a depressed mood
  • Constant crying.
  • reduced interest or pleasure in conditioned activities that a person  enjoyed
  • a loss of sexual desire
  • changes in appetite
  • unintentional weight loss or gain with specific dieting.
  • Excessive sleeping or lack of adequate rest.
  • agitation, restlessness, and pacing over and down
  • braked movement and speech and unnecessary confusion.
  • Fatigue or loss of energy
  • Self-criticism of worthlessness or guilt
  • difficulty allowing, concentrating, or making opinions and decisions.
  • intermittent studies of death or self-murder, or an attempt at suicide or related activities.
  • Fun in activities related to death.

Depression affects people in different ways and can beget a wide variety of symptoms.

They range from lasting passions of unhappiness and forlornness to losing interest in the events and activities you used to enjoy and feeling veritably tearful. numerous people with depression also have symptoms of anxiety.

There can be physical symptoms too, similar to feeling constantly tired, sleeping poorly, having no appetite or low sex drive, and pains.

The symptoms of depression in young people range from mild to severe. Depression in young people at its lowest point can simply make one feel persistently low in spirit, while severe depression can make you feel suicidal, that life is no longer worth living. Many people witness passions of stress, anxiety, or low mood during delicate times. A low mood may ameliorate after a short period, rather than being a sign of depression.

Now knowing the symptoms of depression in young people we also need to understand the causes of these symptoms …what exactly triggers these symptoms of depression in young people?

There is no single cause of depression. It can be so or occur for a variety of reasons and it has numerous different triggers.

For some people, a disturbing or stressful life event, like death, divorce, illness, redundancy, job, or many other worries, can be the cause. Different causes can frequently combine to spark depression. For example, you may feel low after being ill and also witness a traumatic event, such as the loss of a loved one or death, which brings on depression.

People frequently talk about a” downcast turnaround” of events that leads to depression. For illustration, if your relationship with your mate breaks down, you are likely to feel low, you may stop seeing friends and family and you may start drinking further. All of this can make you feel worse and spark depression. Some studies have also suggested that you are more likely to get depression as you get older and that it’s more common in people who live in delicate socio-economic circumstances.

Consequently, it has been gathered that some of the major causes of depression in young people are;

  • Critical events

Most young people and individuals take time to come to terms with stressful events, similar as a death or loss of a loved one or a relationship breakdown. When these stressful events occur, your threat of getting depressed is increased if you stop seeing your friends and family and try to deal with your problems on your own. Young people are prone to get depressed when very stressful and worrisome events hit them, psychologically it is believed that losing a close connection with the one you love is a major trigger of depression in young people.

  • Personality and Behavior.

You may be more vulnerable to depression if you have certain personality traits, similar to low tone- regard or being exorbitantly tone-critical. This may be because of the genes you’ve inherited from your parents and your early life relationships. It is believed that people who are less assertive (not outspoken) have a greater personality risk of getting depressed.

  •  Past family history and Genes.

The human body is made up of two types of genes, the dominant genes, and the recessive gene. Depression in young people may but not be limited to some dominant genes from parents. A person whose family has a historical background of getting depressed or dying of depression or suffering from Major Depressive Disorder (MDA) has a higher risk of getting depressed or suffering from depression.

The inheritability of depression is getting more understood and might explain why one person becomes depressed and another doesn’t, says Ole Thienhaus, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Arizona College of Medicine in Tucson. A family history of depressive disorder matters, but it’s not always the only factor. For example, the heritability rate — the chance that a depressive action In a young person may be due to genes of depression is only about 37 percent, according to a study published in July 2018 in the journal Frontiers in Psychiatry.

  •  Post Gestation Fear

Some ladies are particularly vulnerable to depression after the gestation period (giving birth). The hormonal and physical changes, as well as the added responsibility of a new life, can lead to postnatal depression in young people.

  • Loneliness 

Passions of loneliness, caused by events such as getting cut off from your family and close ones can increase your threat of depression. Depression in young people can most times be caused by loneliness due to the desire to have an intimate relationship with the other gender or the psychological and emotional desire to be close to someone i.e Love

  •  Alcohol and medicines 

When life is getting them down, some people try to manage by drinking too much alcohol or taking medicines. This can lead to a curl of depression. Drugs are one of the major causes of depression in young people. It is asserted to be the cause of 2% of depressive actions in young people example cocaine and cannabis. Cannabis can help you relax, but there is substantiation that it can also bring on depression, particularly in teenagers.

“Drowning one’s pain” with a drink is also not a wise idea for a depressed individual. Alcohol affects the chemistry of the brain, which increases the threat of depression.

  • High expectations

In society today it is believed that people have plans and goals which they expect to fulfill within a certain period and most of the time over years. It is believed that creating high expectations and not being able to fulfill these expectations are one of the common causes of depression among young people today, for example, when a woman has an expectation to get married before the age of 32 and is unable to fulfill this expectation she may begin to feel sad and at a Point withdraw from association with people or friends who may be married and this disassociation could lead to depression in most. These expectations could be financial, or even non-tangible but any form of unresolved expectation has a way of driving young people to depression.


  • Exercising regularly

On days when you feel as though you can’t get up, exercise might seem like the last thing you’d need to do. Be that as it may, exercise and active work can assist with bringing downside effects of sadness and lift energy levels. In any event, when you have the urge that you can’t or have no energy, check whether you’d do something contrary to everything your mood is saying to you to do, like twisting up in bed. All things being equal, put forth a little objective for yourself, like going for a stroll around the block or jogging.

Exercise further develops the mindset state,” says Dr. Thienhaus, who makes sense that exercise, produces compounds in the body that can cheer you up. “We ordinarily suggest that individuals with depressive disorder exercise daily, create a healthy eating routine, and head to sleep at a regulated time.” A review distributed in October 2017 in the American Journal of Psychiatry found that even one hour of active workout every week was related to a 12 percent lower frequency of despondency and depression.

  • Being Assertive

One very unusual way of preventing depression in young people is by being assertive. The ability to convey your thoughts openly to your family or friends is a very big way to avoid depression. Whenever you have the urge of being emotionally down it is always important to associate yourself with people and speak your mind to them. By doing such you stand the chance of reducing the “dying in silence” syndrome.

  • Healthy dieting

It is believed that dieting is not a means of treating or controlling depression but it is important to note that if you are suffering from depression, it is important that you create a healthy diet lifestyle if depression makes you eat uncontrollably. Health dieting will help avoid health issues during depression and avoid being overweight. Fruits and vegetables are recommended to help control heart health and keep the brain healthy

Also read: best foods for the brain

  • Fight negative thoughts

The prevention and control of depression in young people are more psychological, mental, and emotional than physical. It is important to fight against depressing thoughts that linger in your mind. Listening to podcasts, music, or even reading books that inspire and motivate you would go a long way in fighting depression and keeping you sane.

  • Avoid staying alone for long

Most people who suffer from depression tend to stay in a confined space or exclude themselves from external relationships but it is important to avoid staying alone when you have the possibility of getting depressed. It is necessary for one who is suffering from depression or suffering from a depressive disorder to always create an association with people, go out for occasions, party, and even make new friends for the sake of their mental health.

  • Therapy / Counseling

In most underdeveloped or developing parts of the world, it is no news that people who suffer from depression do not have the courage to speak up as most of them consider therapy a waste of time. It is important for a person suffering from depression to always visit a therapist or psychological counselor who will help guide and create a speaking environment for the victims.

  • Medication

Some medications are usually prescribed by health facilities for patients who suffer from depression. These medications will help suppress hormones that form or lead to depressive disorder. They are called antidepressants.


Depression in young people is a serious, persistent ailment that can influence each part of an individual’s life. At the point when it causes self-destructive contemplations, it very well may be deadly.

Individuals can’t think right out of depression. Depression is certainly not an individual falling flat or an indication of a shortcoming. It is treatable, and looking for treatment early may build the possibilities of recuperation and recovery.

Since depression can be tiring to treat, an individual should see a specialist with skill in depression, and attempt a few distinct medicines. Frequently, a blend of treatment and medicine offers the best outcomes.

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