Ever wondered why the scent leaf is considered special and highly nutritional? Well, here are all you need to know about scent leaves.
Ever wondered why the scent leaf is considered special and highly nutritional? Well, here are all you need to know about scent leaves.
If you’re wondering How to make the “life-saving” Pap from scratch then take note of every details. Pap which is popularly known as akamu for the igbos and ogi for yorubas, is a fermented cereal pudding from Nigeria. It is made out of maize , sorghum or millet and in some cases, made from the mixture of the three.
Palm Oil stew and its advantage over groundnut/ vegetable oil. Palm oil was initially found in a cave in Abydos, Egypt dated 3000 BC after which the Arab traders started trading it around central Egypt. Currently, Oil palm stretches to the tropical rainforest region of West Africa. These include countries like; Nigeria, Cameroon, Liberia, Ivory Coast, Togo and other parts of Angola.
Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygadalina) soup is a delicious and nutritious soup that is healthy for the body and very medicinal. It is consumed in many… Read More »Bitter Leaf Soup Recipe and Health benefits
Ogbono soup is easy and simple to prepare. You will learn everything you need to know about Ogbono soup as you read on. Growing up Ogbono soup was one of the soups my mother used to prepare and i watched vividly to see how she make them. A lot of people have different methods on how to prepare Ogbono soup and i will be showing you three methods which is mostly used.