Download Bread Baking 101 By New Mexico State University Pdf book free online – from Bread Baking 101 By New Mexico State University Pdf book; Who doesn’t love the smell of bread baking in the oven?
It evokes a feeling of comfort, coziness, and well‐being. From a hearty, whole‐ grain loaf to buttery, rich croissants or tender biscuits to tasty scones, we all have our weaknesses — I mean, our preferences!
High altitude bread baking doesn’t have to be hard, time consuming, or tricky. Once you learn the basics, you can use your new found knowledge to bake all kinds of breads — yeast breads, quick breads, sweet breads, and savory breads. Following are some basic adjustments for both yeast breads and quick breads. The key is to keep a baking journal so you will know which adjustments work best for your location. And keep practicing!
How To Adjust Yeast Bread
Recipes for High Altitude
1) Decrease the amount of white flour in the recipe. You may need to use up to 1/4 less flour than the recipe calls for because flour loses moisture at high altitude which creates a dry‐tasting finished product. You’ll know there is enough moisture your high altitude bread dough when the mass pulls away from the sides of the bowl.
Suggestion: Gradually add flour 1 tbsp. at a time if the batter is too wet or sticky
2) Increase the amount of liquid in the recipe if using wheat or rye flour. Add 1 tbsp. or more