Download Basic pastry work By Zanolli Pdf book free online – from Basic pastry work By Zanolli Pdf book; SHORTCRUST PASTRY
makes 4.8 kg of dough
1,5 Kg butter
1 Kg icing sugar
10 g salt
3 whole eggs
7 egg yolks
2 Kg plain flour “0” W 100/120
150 g honey
Vanilla pod or lemon zest can be added to taste Mix the icing sugar and butter with a standing mixer, then add the eggs, honey and salt. When the mixture is smooth, add the sieved flour. leave to rest in the fridge for 2 hours.
Roll out the pastry using the dough sheeter, perforate using a pastry piercer and cut to the desired shape.
We chose to make round biscuits with a 6 cm diameter. Arrange the biscuits in a regular pattern on the tray to make sure they cook evenly. Pastry mixtures and the demands of the pastry chef can vary, thus oven settings may need to be adapted to the particular recipe.
Planet 8 Digital convection oven
Set the oven to carry out two separate cycles: the first cycle is required to heat the oven to cooking temperature and is usually set at a higher temperature than the cooking cycle itself, in order to compensate for the loss in temperature caused by opening the oven door and introducing 8 trays full of biscuits (which takes place at the end of