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A Last Diary By Bruce Frederick Cummings Pdf

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A Last Diary By Bruce Frederick Cummings Pdf
A Last Diary By  Bruce Frederick Cummings Pdf

Here you can download A Last Diary By Bruce Frederick Cummings Pdf book free online – from A Last Diary By Bruce Frederick Cummings Pdf book; For he had a woman inside whose presence was never suspected until I had occasion to knock at the door. There was no answer and no sound. All the windows were shut. I knocked again, and heard a distant noise.

Then there were long, preparatory noises, as ii someone were climbing up from an underground cellar or cave, or wandering down a long, dark passage. Bolts were drawn (and powerful enough they sounded to make fast a portcullis), and I watched the door opening with curiosity; a tall, fat, middle-aged woman stood there blinking at me like an owl unaccustomed to daylight. Her eyes were weak blue, and her face puffy and red. “Oh! is Fedder about?” I enquired. Without changing a muscle of her face, she replied mechanically :

“No, but Fedder said if the young gentleman called, I was to say that the shovellers brought off their brood all right.” I thanked her and departed, as she was obviously embarrassed. In her moping countenance, I detected a startled look Robinson Crusoe, as it were, discovering Friday all at once without any advertising Friday. I heard her bolting the door again, as I strolled off down by the waterside to examine, the tide-wrack. It was almost eerie to hear the cackle of herring gulls overhead. They seemed to be laughing at the stupidity of human nature.

There are some things the imagination boggles at. For example, what did that woman in that desolate cottage do? What did she think about? What were her wants, her grievances? Where were her relatives? Did she ever love, or want little babies? Did murder stories interest her at all? Drugs? That is an easy explanation to j ump at som e horrible vice. Theatrical. In reality I should have found, I expect, the answer would be just nothing at all. She did nothing, thought nothing, perhaps only feared a little, so she always bolted the door and hid herself away. I suppose if one saw nothing bigger than a kingplover or a 

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