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A Beginners Guide To Baking Bread By Marilyn Moll Pdf

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A Beginners Guide To Baking Bread By Marilyn Moll Pdf
A Beginners Guide To Baking Bread By Marilyn Moll Pdf

Download A Beginners Guide To Baking Bread By Marilyn Moll Pdf book free online – from A Beginners Guide To Baking Bread By Marilyn Moll Pdf book; If you want to have success at baking you need to know your ingredients. Wheat is the number one cereal grain produced worldwide and used widely in the United States.

When Cyrus McCormick invented a mechanical reaper around 1831, it made a much higher production of grain possible than could be accomplished previously with hand scythes or sickles. As a result, grains, including wheat, became a much more versatile commodity.

Wheat breads are unique from most other cereal grains used in bread making because wheat contains a much higher percentage of a protein called gluten. The benefit of gluten is that it becomes stretchy after kneading, which enables the bread dough to hold it’s shape during and after rising. Think of stretchy gluten like a blowing up a balloon. As the yeast ferments or “consumes” the starch in the flour, carbon dioxide is created and becomes trapped in the gluten strands or “balloons” of the bread dough. Gradually, the carbon dioxide raises the bread similar to blowing up a balloon. Historically, societies have preferred yeast leavened breads when they are available.
In America today, 42 of the 50 states produce some form of wheat.

The types of wheat produced vary by climate and growing conditions. Hard wheats are grown in the northern half of the US. The cold temperatures and dry conditions contribute to the enhanced protein content. Hard red winter, hard red spring, durum, and hard white wheats are primarily produced west of the Mississippi. Soft wheats are grown predominately east of the Mississippi River. In general, soft wheats are used for baked goods that do not contain
yeast, and hard wheats are used for yeast breads.
Use the following ingredient information as a guide to understanding the nutritional differences and common uses for the various types of

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