On this article you will get to know among other things the 7 habits that causes Diabetes, Diabetes is an autoimmune disease which occurs when the body does not properly produce, or respond to insulin, a hormone essential for daily life or the inability of the body to carry calories to the various part of the body for metabolism. Diabetes is an incurable disease, which has no racial, social, or sex barriers. The risk factor includes poor diet, lack of physical activities, obesity and an unhealthy life style. In most side of the world, people living with diabetes have self developed poor habits that cause diabetes. Unknown to people,
7 Habits that Causes Diabetes
- Sitting all day: You move out of your house, get into your car, arrived office and work on your desk for 8-10 hours then you return back home to watch TV late into the night for example, living a sedentary work life can expose one to the risk of coming down with diabetes. Sitting down for longer period can result in changes in an individual body’s metabolism, including insulin resistance, which may lead to Type 2 diabetes. Scientist suggests that reducing time spent sitting or lying down may have a significant role in stopping the condition from developing. people need to exercise, and spend less time sitting on a daily basis is essential in improving an individual overall health. studies shows that breaking up sitting time with 2 minutes walk breaks every 20 minutes was discovered helpful in maintaining glucose control and insulin response.
- Working late in night: Depriving one’s self of precious sleep is an habit most young professional exhibits. Trading their precious sleep hour to meet a deadline or chat till the morning hours boosting their risk of developing diabetes. Not finding sleep early when you ought to can wreak havoc with your metabolism, by pushing up levels of the appetites-stimulating hormone ghrelin and suppressing the appetites-curbing hormone leptin resulting to the risk of coming down with Type 2 diabetes.
- Taking stress: stress is not directly linked to diabetes but it is considered as a contributory factor. When in stress, the body releases a stress hormone called cortisol; which is antagonistic to make your blood sugar go up so you may need more insulin or medication to control it. When stressed you are likely to reach out to junk foods. Researchers have been discussing the potential link between stress and diabetes since the 17th century. recent research suggested that people with stress have a higher risk of coming down with type 2 diabetes. scientist found that various stressors can increase a person’s risk of developing diabetes, includes;
- stressful life events or traumatic experiences
- general emotional stress
- distressed sleep
- hostility and anger
- work stress.
- Skipping breakfast: Dashing through the door giving breakfast a deliberate miss has become a routine for most individuals. During the busy hours of the morning, breakfast looks more time consuming than a necessity. Those who skip breakfast are more likely to consume more calories and fatty foods during the day. Several factors can explains the phenomenon of the down effect of skipping breakfast. first skipping breakfast could increase insulin resistance . It can therefore be more difficult for the body to get its insulin level back to a normal range. Also, if this situation is chronic, the risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases. Furthermore, omitting breakfast usually result in a rise in blood sugar after lunch and dinner. This can lead to poor food choices in addendum, not breaking your fast after a night of sleep can weak the body and the normal course of metabolism. it can also lead to excessive eating at launch.
- Eating late or late dinner: After a day’s hard work, digging into a sumptuous dinner (high fat) is what most individuals look forward to. Dinner is perhaps the only time when we are not rushing and 50% of our calories come from dinner, which should ideally be coming from the breakfast. The problem doesn’t end here the moment you have your dinner, you crash on your bed and there is no physical activity and the body doesn’t have enough time for digestion. A team of researchers found eating later rises boosts glucose and insulin levels, which are implicated to diabetes. late night meals also rises cholesterol and triglycerides, a type of fat in your blood, both which can increase your risk of heart disease.
- Eating more refined carbs: Refined carbs such as white bread, white rice, etc are bad for your waistline. Refined carbs stimulates your body to produce more insulin, causing an insulin surge in the body. They get absorbed easily, making you feel hungry soon after consuming them. The more the carbohydrate in the food, the quicker and more sharply it will affect blood sugar levels. So, refined grained, such as white bread, white rice and any sugary foods, are likely to cause a sudden and dramatic rise in blood sugar. Insulin resistance in an individual with type 2 diabetes means that the body will struggle to move sugar out of the blood. The more carbohydrate one consume, the more the body will struggle and the higher your sugar levels will be.
- Excessive consumption of soda and alcoholic drinks: Soda’s and alcoholic drink are refined drinks that once consumed runs into the blood stream so fast shooting the blood sugar level beyond normal. So people who are addict put themselves at a risk of coming down with diabetes.
When dealing with diabetes, it can be hard , the best one can do is to know and understand how well to best manage diabetes. Living a healthy life style will go a long way in helping mitigate the rate of calories consumption and improving metabolism, this will bring about a balance in the entire body system of an individual and reducing the rate at which people die of diabetes mellitus. Those with diabetes food with high fiber content will be very helpful to your system because fibers in the food inhibits the rate at which sugar runs into the bloods stream of a man . Let check out this illustration, when a car is at a higher speed rate of 150km/h, and it’s sights road bumps ahead, the initial speed rate would be forced to drop to it’s minimum making it climb slowing on the bumps this has help prevent lots of havoc or road disaster.