Back then in primary school, my head teacher always referred to the stubborn students as those who weren’t fed with breast milk while growing up. Infact, she said they were fed with cow milk, and here I am seriously laughing as I recall this. That being said, I have highlighted 5 reasons why breastfeeding is healthier
Biologically, breastfeeding is a norm for infant feeding and an age-long traditional practice. We see it as a way of providing ideal food for the healthy growth and development of infants. Breast milk is safe and contains many functional components that helps to protect the infant against childhood diseases.
The American Academy of Paediatrics recommends breast milk as the best nutrition for infants. According to the AAP, babies should be breastfed exclusively for the first six months.
They also encourage mothers to breastfeed till one year, even after other foods have been added. This we all know can be very difficult for career mothers.
When it involves career mothers, so many of them resort to formula feeding. I feel like saying “the cow milk feeding” with serious laughter again. Make no mistakes about this, formula feeding isn’t a bad option but it’s not a very healthy option either.
On this basis, supplementing breastfeeding with formula feeding is strongly discouraged. Rather than formula feeding, mothers are advised to introduce appropriate complementary foods. This is most important when the infant is developmentally ready for other complementary food.
Importance of Breastfeeding
Here are five(5) reasons why breastfeeding is healthier and Important. Some of them include; optimum nutrition, and emotional development. However, let’s explore more of the options below.
- Breastfeeding Decreases the Incidence of Childhood Infectious Diseases.
Breastfeeding provides natural antibodies that resists and decreases the incidence of diseases such as diarrhoea, acute respiratory infections, urinary tract infections, etc. These antibodies are passed from the mother to the baby during breastfeeding and strengthens the immune system against the activities of diseases.
- Provides Optimum Nutrition for Infants
Breast milk meets every infants’ complete nutritional needs for the first six months. Provided the infant is breastfed in response to his hunger cues, the breast milk should be a major source of nutrient throughout the first year of life. Breastfeeding provides milk that is always at the right temperature and biologically safe.
It contains bioactive components such as: antimicrobial factors, growth factors, antiinflammatory factors, digestive enzymes and hormones that assist in physiological development and immunity.
- It Eases Digestion in Infants
Breastmilk can be referred to as the perfect food for a baby’s digestive system. Breastfed infants have less difficulty in digestion than formula-fed infants. The easily digestive nature of breastmilk makes breastfed babies have less constipation.
- Proper Development of Infants
Breastfeeding makes it possible for an all round physical and mental development of every breastfed baby. Studies have shown that babies who were exclusively fed with breastmilk have higher IQs than others.
- Breastmilk is Readily Available
Breastfeeding cost nothing as compared to formula feeding. Breastmilk is readily available. Hence there is no need to use bottles and other sources of supply except for mothers who pump it out.
Breastfed babies rarely fall sick. This means they are less likely to visit hospitals and bills are rarely paid due to sickness.
Challenges of Breastfeeding
Though breastfeeding has often been proven to be the best food for babies, there are some conditions that affect it. Some of these conditions are critical challenges that limit breastfeeding. These challenges are not limited to:
- Medical Conditions
Medical conditions such as HIV/AIDS, untreated tuberculosis, or those that involve treatment with certain drugs. Such can make breastfeeding unsafe. Women are advised to consult a doctor on breastfeeding with certain conditions. Consulting a doctor as regards taking any kind of drug during breastfeeding is also advised.
- Time
Breastfeeding requires time and commitment. Mostly during the early stages of feeding. Breastfeeding schedules appear to be a set back or time waster for career mothers especially.
Besides during the latter stages, breastfed babies need to eat more often because breastmilk digests faster than formula. This often becomes an extra burden on lactating mothers.
- Nutrition and Diet
Lactating mothers are advised to be conscious of what they eat during this period. Whatever goes into the body of the mother will always affect the baby who sucks it through breastmilk. Mothers always find themselves being denied of some favorites due to the health of the baby.
Few Facts About Breastfeeding
- Reduces risk of mother’s ovarian breast cancer, and heart diseases.
- It can help mother return to her weight and size before pregnancy.
- Producing breastmilk consumes about 25% of the body’s energy.
- Breastfed babies are at lower risk of infant mortality.
- Breastmilk contains substances that promote sleep and calmness in babies.
- On average, babies consume 67% of produced milk. They feed until fullness.
Having a knowledge of atleast 5 reasons why breastfeeding is healthier helps in making decisions as regards baby feeding. Whatever decision one comes up with, it’s necessary to evaluate what might be the resultant effect.
It is also very important to consult a doctor for health purposes while taking a decision.