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365 Luncheon Dishes for Every Day in the Year Pdf

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365 Luncheon Dishes for Every Day in the Year Pdf
365 Luncheon Dishes for Every Day in the Year Pdf

Download 365 Luncheon Dishes for Every Day in the Year Pdf book free online – from 365 Luncheon Dishes for Every Day in the Year Pdf book; Lay the chestnuts in a box made of fried bread and pour the sauce over.

To make the box, take a loaf of bread, cut off the crust and leave the sides as smooth as possible. Cut out the centre, leaving a box shaped piece. Fry this in deep fat.

8.–Curried Hare.

Clean and cut the hare or rabbit as for fricassee. Simmer slowly in just enough water to cover, add a thickening of 1 tablespoonful each of butter and flour, season with salt, pepper, and 1 tablespoonful of curry powder.

9.–Scrambled Eggs with Shad Roes.

When you have shad for dinner scald the roes ten minutes in boiling water (salted), drain, throw into cold water, leave them there three minutes, wipe dry, and set in a cold place until you wish to use them. Cut them across into pieces an inch or more wide, roll them in flour, and fry to a fine brown. Scramble a dish of eggs, pile the roes in the centre of a heated platter, and dispose the eggs in a sort of hedge all around them.–From “The National Cook Book,” by Ma

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