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10 Ways To Improve Your Eyesight Without Glasses

10 Ways To Improve Your Eyesight Without Glasses
10 Ways To Improve Your Eyesight Without Glasses

Wearing glasses can be a burden. I know this for sure because I have a friend who uses it. He barely takes off his glasses because he is as good as blind whenever he tries to. Till today, he wishes he can just stop using glasses. What if he knew about 10 ways to improve your eyesight without glasses? Would he have opted for using glasses the first time he had signs of bad eyesight?

Some people think of those who use eyeglasses as cute, handsome, and intelligent. But the irony is that most of them wish they could do away with it. Some cannot help it because it has become part of them. I understand your pain; the fact that sometimes you look weird whenever you take them off. You cannot enjoy things like swimming because of it, sometimes you keep wiping them while cooking. We understand these problems you face and that’s the reason for sharing 10 ways to improve your eyesight without glasses.

Is it possible to improve eyesight without glasses?  Find out as you read.  A few research reports suggest that refractive errors(myopia, astigmatism, presbyopia) can’t be reversed. These types are corrected using contact lenses, refractive surgery, or glasses. 

Naturally, most people experience deterioration in their vision as they grow older. Sometimes it is natural. Other times it can be as a result of certain health conditions. However, people can protect and improve their vision without the use of corrective lenses. 

According to the center for disease control and impairment, around 12 million people of 40 years and above in the United State have some form of visual impairment. This includes 

  • people with vision impairment as a result of the correction.
  • vision impairment as a result of uncorrected refractive error
  • People with a type of blindness.

In Nigeria, some surveys indicated that in people aged 40 years and above, the prevalence of blindness is about 4.2%. This shows that blindness is mostly associated with increasing age. It doubles up on those aged 60 years and above. However, poor eyesight must not be an inevitable occurrence at old age. 

Some natural lifestyles and interventions will always be of help and protection to the eyes. Some of them will be explored in this article.


1. Feed On Vitamins & Minerals

Regular intake of vitamin A, C, & E is good for the eyes as shown by research. These vitamins( A, C, E) as well as the  Zinc minerals contain antioxidants that can help prevent Macular degeneration( a condition in which the part of the eye that controls the central vision deteriorates. 

To get enough of these vitamins, feed on a variety of balanced diets. A balanced diet rich in fruits and veggies.  The food sources that supply the body these important nutrients include:

  • sweet potato
  • strawberries
  • red peppers
  • spinach
  • broccoli
  • Citrus
  • Carrots
  • Oranges 
  • Pumpkin
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Almonds 

2. Use Protective EyeWear

The UV rays are not the only rays that the eyes are likely to be exposed to. This makes the use of protective eyewear very important. It helps to protect the eyes from injuries that are likely to occur from daily activities. Activities such as domestic chores, sporting activities, activities with certain tools, or in a potentially hazardous environment. 

Protective eyewear helps to prevent damage and irritation to the eyes. They are essential when there is a risk of chemicals, sharp objects, and materials such as metal shards and wood shavings. Many of these protective goggles are made of a type of polycarbonate that is ten times stronger than ordinary plastics.

Some of the eyewears include:

  • goggles
  • safety glasses
  • Sun glasses
  • face masks, shields, and visors
  • helmets

3. Use of Sunglasses 

Some people think sunglasses are for fashion. This makes most people wear sunglasses even in environments with proper shade. Sunglasses are made to protect the eyes from the ultraviolet rays of the sun. That’s why it is called ‘’Sun Glasses”. 

Excessive ultraviolet rays can damage the eyes. It can also increase the risk of having diseases such as eye cancer, cataracts, and pterygium( a kind of growth on the eyes).

Some people are more at risk of excessive exposure to UV rays. Some of them are exposed due to environment or occupation. Examples include; farmers, surfers, fishers, skiers, and other people who spend lots of time under the midday sun. 

In purchasing sunglasses, consider those with adequate UV protection. Some other ways to protect your eyes from the impact of the sun included.

  • Wearing a face cap or a wide-brimmed hat.

4. Do Regular Eye Checkups

The National Eye Institute tells us that regular and comprehensive dilated eye checkups are the only way to find out the health status of our eyes.

During this examination, special eye drops are used by eyecare professionals to widen the pupils. This allows them to see beyond the pupils, into the back of the eyes to check for defects. These eye examinations help to detect issues in the eyes at an early stage. Eye defects such as macular degeneration and glaucoma are detected at a stage where they can be easily corrected. 

5. Practice Good Hygiene

Maintaining good hygiene practices helps to prevent eye infections. Some of the good hygiene practices that can prevent infections include;

  • Wash your hands thoroughly before touching your eyes or lenses. 
  • Carefully follow doctor’s or manual’s direction for replacing and cleaning contact lenses. 
  • Avoid using eye makeup that has been open for up to 3 months. Old eye makeup increases the risk of eye infections. In cases whereby a person develops an infection, it is advisable to discard and replace all old makeup. 

6. Reduce Screen Times

Keeping your eyes on computer screens or any other screen for a long time causes eye strain and fatigue. People who use the computer system often are advised to follow a rule called the 20-20-20 rule. 

This rule states that for every 20 minutes you should look away from your computer to something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. It is an exercise that helps to reduce eye strain.

7. Proper Management of Health Conditions

There are health conditions that can impair vision; diabetes is one of them. The Center for Disease Control reports that people within the age of 65 years above with impaired vision, are likely to have chronic health conditions.

Some of these conditions include:

  • Arthritis 
  • Cancer
  • Asthma 
  • High blood pressure
  • High blood cholesterol
  • Hepatitis 
  • Heart disease
  • kidney disease
  • Depression
  • Multiple sclerosis 

Some of these conditions are linked to chronic inflammation which can harm health from head to toe. A good example is the Inflammation of the optic nerve which can cause pain and complete vision loss.

Proper treatment of chronic health conditions helps to reduce the risk of developing complications like eye defects.

8. Rest Your Eyes

Getting adequate sleep and rest is essential for the eyes. Sleep does not only relax the body; it also gives the eyes adequate time to rest and heal from the day’s stress. The eyes are expected to be closed for at least 8 hours of sleep. Sleeping for 8 hours gives your eyes full rest and makes your vision sharper. When the eyes do not rest for as much as 8 hours, you will notice more strain on the eyes than usual. 

Resting the eyes in between work is also very important. Either while working on the computer or reading. Let the eye get some rest for every 50 minutes you spend on eye-straining activities. Avoid working for more than 2-3 hours without a break. As stated before, the 20-20-20 rule can apply here as well. 

Also, note that taking a break from work to scroll through your phone does not count as a break. Taking a break should be about focusing on things that are far from the eyes. This means activities like; reading, playing a game, looking through the cell phone will not count as breaks too. So it will be necessary to find alternatives that work.

9. Avoid Smoking

Naturally, smoking is bad for the lungs and heart. It is also not healthy for the skin, teeth, and most other parts of the body( the eye inclusive). Smoking increases the risk of developing cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Therefore the best option is to avoid smoking. 

For those who are struggling with smoking already, quitting will be of great importance. Some study says that the body parts affected, can start recovering from the years of tobacco-induced harm just after the first hours of quitting. 

Also, continuous abstinence from cigarettes benefits the blood and eases off inflammation throughout the eyes and other affected body parts. 

10. Use Carotenoids

Some other nutrients are also key to improving your vision. Amongst many of them are Lutein and zeaxanthin. These are carotenoids found in the retina. They are also found in eggs, broccoli, and leafy green veggies. 

Carotenoids( Lutein and zeaxanthin) can be taken in supplement form as well. They improve the pigment density in the eye and absorb ultraviolet and blue light. This helps to protect the macula. 

Eating carotenoid-rich food can protect the healthy cells in the eyes and prevent the growth of cancerous cells. Studies show that having at least six milligrams of lutein in your daily diet can decrease the risk of macular degeneration by 43 percent. Also, having increased amounts of Lutein and zeaxanthin in your diet reduces the rate of any current eye damage. It prevents current eye conditions from becoming worse.


Though all listed above cannot protect your eyes from every eye condition, they reduce the chances of developing eye problems. Most importantly, they help to improve your vision. The bottom line lies in these few lines of advice. 

  • Stay Fit
  • Exercise your body, and keep fit. This will reduce any risk of being obsessed, and damage to the blood vessels in the eyes. Exercise the eyes as well. Exercises such as blinking, palming, and change of focus.
  • Try to incorporate these foods in your daily diet; fish, nuts, sweet potatoes, legumes, beef, eggs, citrus fruits, and leafy green veggies.
  • Seek your doctor’s medical advice and stick to regular checkups. 

Perhaps you have come to the point where you cannot do without an eyeglass, it’s not the end of the world. Keep doing the necessary things, and never say never to a positive outcome one day.

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